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I woke up early to get ready for Halloween. Prince was still asleep, so I decided to make him breakfast since he made it for me yesterday. The phone rang in the living room right as I was playing it and decided to answer the call so it wouldn't wake Prince up. "Hello?" "Hey, Prince there?" "He's sleeping. Is this Andre?" I asked. "Yeah, I was just calling to let him know I'd take Luther to school today and to ask him if we were still meeting up in the Hills for trick or treating with the kids." I smiled seeing Prince walking in. "Yeah, that's fine. Thanks for taking Luther today." "Cool. Bye." He said. I hung the phone up. "Andre's taking Luther to school. Do you wanna come up there with us?" I asked him. He seemed nervous. " be in the class?" He asked. "Yeah, we're gonna watch Scooby-Doo and play games and color and eat snacks. You're more than welcome to come. You can even have your costume on." He smiled. "Okay, that sounds fun." He said.

"Eat breakfast and I'll get everything ready for you to put on." I kissed his cheek before going into his bedroom. I grabbed our outfits and all the makeup we needed. "I'll do Luther's makeup at school." I said as I started to get dressed in the living room. I was wearing a red dress today with black heels to sort of match Prince. "Your thighs." He said as I was slipping the dress on. I looked down to see the marks from his nails. "They're okay. I didn't even notice them til you pointed them out." "They're not hurting you are they?" I smiled and walked over to him in the heels and the dress. "You look good today." He said. I leaned down to kiss his syrup tasting lips. I was playing with his hair. "Do you want to slick it back?" "Mmhmm." He said stuffing pancake into his mouth. "Perfect." I said.

I went to his bathroom to do my makeup and he walked in when he was finished eating. "Oooh, I like that." He said looking in the mirror at me. I was finishing up my lipstick. "You're gonna look like this, too." I said to him. When I finished my makeup I curled my hair last before helping Prince get ready. "So glad there's no zipper on these pants." He said as I was doing his hair in the kitchen. "Me, too." I said with a giggle. Once his hair was oiled back I started his makeup. The look was coming together and he was looking...honestly really sexy. I added a tiny bit of powder to his lips, but not much and finally darkened around his cheekbones to give him that sunken in look.

"Mkay, close your eyes for a second." I said. He did as I asked and I added eyeshadow and he good. "Okay go take a look." I said as I looked at the time. Perfect. I'd get there in time to snatch Luther for his makeup and the day would start. "I think the kids would love it if you brought your guitar." I called. I walked into the bathroom to see him looking at himself. "Damn this is really good. You're really good with makeup, baby." He said. I smiled. "I do my best. C'mon, let's get everything together so we can get to school. You gotta drive since my car-" "Yeah, yeah I know." He said as he was going upstairs to grab his guitar. He was swaying his cape and I knew he was enjoying it. It was different for him and something we never did as kids.

We got into the car and he was driving. "I wonder if anyone will recognize me." He said. "I'm not sure. I recognize you. I guess Luther will be the test." He was so excited. We arrived at the school and as soon as we got out of Prince's car, some of the older students were looking at us. Just the 4th and 5th graders. "Wow!" I heard one of them say. A group of them ran up to us. "Whoa, Ms. Halfifax. You look so cool!" They were kids that I previously taught. "Thank you, guys. Is everyone going into the gym for lineup?" "Yeah, we were just going in there!" They seemed excited about today, too. They ran off towards the school and Prince and I made our way to my classroom. I gave him the key.

"Okay, stay here. I'm gonna go grab Luther from the gym." I told him. Prince took the keys and went in while I went to the gym. I had to pick him out over the hundred of kids that were sitting and what made it worse is all eyes were on me in my costume. I scanned every head to look for a boy wearing glasses and soon enough he picked himself out when he stood up to run towards me in his boots. He gave me a big hug. "Hi, honey. Oh wow." No wonder I couldn't spot him. He had a flat top now for his costume. Andre must've taken care of it. "You look so cool!" He said to me. I smiled. "Let's go get your makeup done before class starts. We gotta be quick." I told him. Luther followed me to my class room and when I opened the door he saw Prince. "Whoa!" His excitement scared Prince as he was reading something on my desk. "Dad you look so cool." He said going up to him to give him a hug. Prince hugged him and kissed his temple. "Let Mandie do your makeup. She's got some cool tricks up her sleeve." He said.

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