Chapter 9

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"Don't mess with this kid again, Leave," Disco warned the young woman in a deep voice. Lena looked at Jump angrily before immediately walking away. Because she didn't want to get into trouble with Disco. Disco cursed angrily in his throat before turning to Jump who was standing with a sad face.

"Do you understand now? You said you wanted to help me. What troubles does it cause you?" Disco said in a calm but deep voice.

"Well, JUMP wanted to help P' Dis and I knew you would come to help Jump," the young man said back.

"Because of this..Damn it! That's why y don't want anyone to get into trouble because of me. I don't want to go and help solve all the problems," Disco said again agitated. Jumper stood there with his head down.

"Damn, this is so irritating," Disco yelled, not too loudly before walking away immediately.

(It's not my fault. Why are you yelling at me? Crazy people) Jumper secretly scolded Disco in his heart but still did not follow. Disco walked for a while and turned to look behind. He frowned when he saw Jumper still standing there.

"Are you going to stand there for a long time? Aren't you going to school?" Disco asked him.

"Ohhh... Coming." Jumper replied before swiftly chasing after Disco and noticed that Disco was walking slower than ever. Usually Disco would walk fast not caring whether Jump was able to follow him or not. It's always Jump who had to rush himself to keep up with Disco's speed. But then, it's like Disco was trying to slow down. This small changes for the better made Jump secretly feel a little happy. He was glad he made Disco reduce some of his rough attitude towards him.

"P' Dis, Jump made breakfast for you," said the young man as he continued walking.

"Wait a minute,we'll sit back and eat at the same place," Disco said in a calm voice making Jumper smile again. After arriving at school Disco went and sat under his usual tree. Jumper hurried and sat next to him along with picking up a food box and delivering it to Disco.

"Here, you can try it P'Dis," said the young man. Disco took the lunch box from Jumper, placed it on his lap and opened it before the two of them sat and ate in silence. Jumper kept sneaking glances at Disco from time to time feeling a strange flutter in his heart when he saw Disco eating his food with a slight smile from the corners of his mouth which indicated his satisfaction with the food being eaten.

"In the middle of the day, I probably won't be able to come to P'Dis. I have to go to the library with my friends," said Jumper, letting the other party know. Disco nodded but didn't say anything. After filling himself Disco returned the food container to Jumper before standing up to prepare to go to school. Jumper packed the food boxes into his bag.

"And are you coming to the pool in the evening?" Disco asked without looking at Jumper. This made Jumper raise his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes yes yes," Jumper hurriedly replied as he repeated the question in his mind.

"Oh, let's go," said Disco, and immediately walked away.

"YES !! " Jumper exclaimed happily. Today he saw many different sides to Disco. Jump hurried to find his group of friends to share his progress. As for Disco, he also walked to his group of friends.

"Hey, did you go sit down and have breakfast?" Smith asked knowingly. Disco just looked at his friend out of the corner of his eye, but didn't say anything in response.

"Really? How do you actually feel about your brother? I saw so many changes in you and I couldn't help but wonder about it?" Smith asked again.

"What did I change?" Disco asked back.

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