Chapter 13

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The next few days passed in the blink of an eye. Keith spent most of his time with the Paladins. They would talk, laugh, eat, smile, binge watch movies and what not. They'd have food fights or pillow fights among themselves, and sleepovers and meals at restaurants together.

Keith visited the Garrison as well and met other people there. He was happy to know how fast Earth was progressing as well. He helped guide new students who took flying classes. His Red Lion was a good demonstration but he also used their own planes to show them and he was admired a lot.

He spent time with Pidge and Hunk and Slav too, and although he wasn't of much use, he would hand them tools or help them decide between different models of their new aircraft. He worked along with them in their workplace at the mansion and then also worked at the garrison with them. He didn't understand much about it but he was happy here and the three of them were glad to have him.

With Shiro, he talked about different things, telling him stuff about the Empire and how he had managed to stay put so far. Shiro was proud of him of course. He had seen Keith grow up and now that he was the Emperor of the biggest race known to the universe, it overwhelmed Shiro. He loved Keith as his own and no amount of words could express how proud he was of Keith.

Lance and Keith indulged into video games and PS5. Their competitions were tough and they would end up bickering at the end of each game, causing the other three to leave them be and enjoy among themselves. They'd even bicker and argue over who reached the dining room first or the lounge first.

And Keith finally felt like the human he was. He was happy here. Everybody treated him as their equal, not royalty. People didn't bow to him or address him as "Your Highness" or "Sir" and so on. He felt alive and free.

Keith stood in front of the window of his room after helping Hunk and Pidge for a while. He took in a deep breath and felt refreshed.

But his peace didn't last long when he heard the door of his room open and Lance walked inside, followed by Shiro and Pidge.

Keith turned around and looked at each of them. Something seemed off.

"What is it guys?" Keith asked them.

"Oh, just you wait, Keith. Let Hunk get here as well, we'll tell you what this is all about," Lance spoke.

Just as Lance said his line, Hunk came stumbling into the room and looked at all of them in-turn.

"I heard there was an emergency," he said.

"There is one," Pidge said calmly.

"Well?" Keith asked.

Lance turned his attention to him.

"We heard you talking to Acxa earlier," Pidge said.

"And?" Keith asked.

"What do you mean and?" Lance exclaimed. "It is a big deal!"

"No, it's not. I was just asking her if everything the Central Command was going well."

Lance jabbed a finger at him.

"Are you sure you guys talked just about that? Because your conversation went quite long," he said.

Then he took out his phone and tapped the screen a few times and turned it to Keith.

"It says right here, you talked to her for 6 minutes and 37 seconds."

Pidge nodded in agreement. Hunk looked genuinely confused while Shiro just sighed and looked as if he wanted to get out of there.

"What does that prove?"

"I am sure you must have talked to her about something other than just Galra Empire thingies."

Pidge nodded again.

Keith sighed.

"Why are you so interested in the two of us?"

"Because it seems that the two of you have something going on and you are not telling us," Pidge said.

"Yes, exactly. Thank you, Pidge," Lance said.

"I told you guys, there is nothing."

Lance and Pidge looked at Keith head to toe skeptically and analyzed him for a good few moments.

"All right, we believe you," Lance said doubtfully.

"For now," added Pidge.

When they had dropped the conversation and settled themselves around Keith's room, Hunk spoke first.

"You must miss her a lot," he said.

Keith sighed in frustration.


"All right, geez, calm down man, calm down," Hunk said nervously.

After that they didn't tease him or try to get clues to make him confess something. Keith knew they were messing with him but still. They just hung out not doing much. Keith knew he had only a day left before he would head back to central Command so he tried to spend as much time with them as possible.

When the day of his departure arrived, they said heart-felt goodbyes. Keith told them he'd try to visit soon and they wished him good luck. Lance still had a few more days to stay at earth before he went back to Altea so he looked relieved and happy and Keith envied him a little.

Although Lance spent his time at Altea, he visited Earth frequently and he could stay here for as long as he wanted to. Coran would handle his tasks at Altea but Keith didn't have that kind of luxury.

Finally, Keith settled into his Lion and before they knew it, he was leaving the atmosphere of the Earth at the Red Lion's super fast speed.

The Red Paladin | Keith x Acxa - Kacxa - VLD ✔️Where stories live. Discover now