Chapter 20

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Keith held Acxa for a long time as they stood that way alone in the huge library. Finally, she broke the hug and looked at him.

"You must go to your bedroom. It is late and you have a busy week ahead of you. You can study the rest in these days you have before the feast," she said.

Keith glanced at the books and scrolls sprawled onto the big table and nodded.

"You're right," he said and turned to them.

Keith picked up each book and closed them one by one. Acxa helped him put away the books and scrolls in their respective places before they exited the library and walked towards their chambers. On their way, none of them said anything. Acxa didn't know what to say and think of the situation. But a part of her had already accepted him and let him into her life. And she knew there was no turning back now.

They parted ways and went to their own rooms. Keith slept peacefully, knowing that he had meant every word he had spoken to her. He knew he wanted her in his life and by his side forever. But it was too soon to act upon anything other than this. The way she had cried made him hurt. He wanted to see her smiling and happy. He liked it when she was happy.

Acxa on the other hand was conflicted. She knew she had feelings for him and she liked her interaction with him, but she was scared he was the Emperor and there was lots of stuff that came with that which she didn't want to think about but was forced to.

And when she slept that night, all she kept was dream about him holding her tightly against him.

The next two weeks were a blur of busy for everybody at the castle with all the preparations for the grand feast. Everybody was excited and was looking forward to when the day would come that they would get to wear fancy clothes and interact with others and enjoy themselves.

Keith began growing anxious as the day of the feast neared. This would be the first Galra feast in more than 10,000 years. The Galra had previously been seen as a hostile race because they had been hostile. But now things had changed and many planets and entire start systems had recognized them as an Empire that had started its new era of peace.

Yet, there would still be other races whom had been invited who may or may not see the change. The minds weren't changed easily and Keith's anxiousness was in place.

"Your Majesty, it will go well," Acxa said, as she entered the library and walked towards Keith.

"I don't want anything to go wrong, Acxa. We have just started emerging as a peaceful nation and we have a long way to go before everybody fully understands this and accepts and implements it."

Acxa placed her hands on his shoulders and rubbed them comfortably. Keith inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. Acxa could see he was struggling a lot with himself and with everything that was piling on top of his shoulders.

She wanted to lessen his burden, to take all of it from him, but she knew he was the Emperor and there were some burdens he had to carry alone no matter how much effort she made to lessen them.

"We'll make sure nothing goes wrong. Together," she said.

Keith nodded and placed a hand on top of hers, squeezing it gently.

"Together," he said.

The Red Paladin | Keith x Acxa - Kacxa - VLD ✔️Where stories live. Discover now