Theme song

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Preface (PJ Masks, Power Heroes)
PJ Masks, Power Heroes!

PJ Masks, we are the PJ Masks!
PJ Masks, we are the PJ Masks!
PJ Masks, heroes of the night!
PJ Masks, Power Heroes!

Prologue verse:
The night has arrived and it is time
To fight evil
Next to a group of defenders
forming an alliance
The Universal Alliance!

Power Heroes: It's time to be a hero!

Verse 1:
To save the universe from destruction
They joined forces to succeed

Power Heroes: Power Heroes, we're on our way!

With great heroes of the universal legacy
And little heroes with a big heart

Power Heroes: Into the night to save the day!

Pre-chorus 1:
In the night, all together
From the earth to the skies
It's time to fight
All together to save the universe

"I still don't know how to rhyme" (say in the comments which character said this phrase)

PJ Masks, the Universal Alliance
Our heroes will join forces
All together they will fight against evil
And with the heart, they will defend the universe

Verse 2:
With power by your side
Of the millennial legacy of the heroes of the universe
And eyes on the universe
Your only home with a duty to defend it from destruction

Pre-chorus 2:
While at night
The villains will plan to ruin the days

Power Heroes: PJ Masks, we're on our way !

The time is now or never
And all together they will fight

Power Heroes: Overnight to save the day!

PJ Masks, the Universal Alliance
Our heroes will join forces
All together they will fight against evil
And with the heart, they will defend the universe

The Power Heroes and the Universal Alliance
they are more than friends
They are brothers and they are a big family

*Guitar solo and the Power Heroes sing*

The Universal Alliance
Has defended the universe for millennia
And also the spirits
that gave us powers
for our hearts
And we become heroes

*Another solo*

PJ Masks, we are the PJ Masks
PJ Masks, Power Heroes
PJ Masks, the Universal Alliance
Into the night to save the day!

"I More or Less Learned to Rhyme"

Verse 3:
Armagenopsis will plan to destroy the universe
And our heroes won't let it happen
They will not give in to fear
Because being heroes is their destiny

Pre-chorus 3:
With pride and courage
And with the power at his side
The Power Heroes and the Universal Alliance
they will save the universe

PJ Masks, the Universal Alliance
Our heroes will join forces
All together they will fight against evil
And with their hearts, they will defend the universe (x2)

Power Heroes, Universal Alliance, we shoot hooray!
Because this night, we save the universe!
PJ Masks!
Power Heroes!
Universal Alliance!

PJ Masks: Universal Alliance Where stories live. Discover now