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A long time ago, an asteroid-shaped crystal impacted Earth in full formation.

After the collision, the crystal fragmented and its pieces ended up in the subsoil when the Earth obtained its final form.

But that crystal was very special, it was the energy source of the animal spirits, cosmic beings with special powers, who had fled since their planet was destroyed by Armagenopsis, the titan of destruction.

When they arrived on Earth, it became the new home for the animal spirits by their creator, Artemis, the Princess Mother, from the Fernerix Galaxy.

Of the crystals buried in the Earth, one of them stood out, and animal spirits came out of it to wander in the moonlight in the night sky, among the stars.

For thousands of years, animal spirits visited children as their chosen ones every night, coming down from the stars and defending their friends from nightmares.  The Moon was their guide, the children had the Animal Spirits as their friends, who visited every night, singing and granting special powers.  But everything changed one night in the city of Tarabiscoville.

*3 years ago*

While the animal spirits roamed the night sky to visit the children, a space sorceress, named Luna, captured the animal spirits with her moths, in order to keep them for herself.  The animal spirits became sad because they can no longer visit their friends, and their legend ended in oblivion forever.

Until 3 of the spirits, the Blue Cat, the Red Owl and the Green Lizard, managed to escape from Luna's hands and immediately found their chosen ones, 3 children with the hearts of heroes will be ready to face the villain and save the night.

The Blue Cat chose Connor, and turned him into Catboy.

The Red Owl chose Amaya, and turned her into Owlette.

And the Green Lizard chose Greg, and turned him into Gekko.

This is how 3 children with brave hearts became the PJ Masks, inherited from the powers of animal spirits.  The 3 of them fought against Luna Girl, discovering her powers and with the importance of teamwork, they defeated Luna.

After their first mission, the children went back to their beds to sleep, while the animal spirits formed a giant totem, and inside it, the crystal that protruded from the underground appeared, obtaining its cat, owl and lizard shapes, so that those heroes go out at night to fight against evil.

While at the same time, another group of heroes was formed, which very soon, will form an alliance.


PJ Masks: Universal Alliance

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