Chapter Eight

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*Blood Warning*

Hellgate. The place (if you ask Matthias) not to be.

The place was called a prison but its name fit it more; Hellgate. Inside it felt like you were at the gates of hell, whether inside or outside of the gate it was all up to perspective. Those who believed they were inside the gates were the ones who had hope of getting out. While those who were outside are the ones who have given up and only waiting to go through the gates. Where Matthias saw himself, he wasn't sure.

All he knew was Hell.

It was dark and the only light Matthias knew was the light from the guard's lanterns when they'd make their rounds. Some would stop and bang on the cells, calling for the prisoners inside the cells, teasing them or calling them names and laughing. Matthias knew not to get angry when they did this. They only want an excuse to beat the 'beasts' as they called them. Though Matthias didn't believe they even needed an excuse since what rules were they following anyways?

Things are a little different in Hellgate and rules are just a suggestion. Put in place for the wealthy to believe they've done something good for their country.

The prison was cold and even the Fjerdan was cold. There were no blankets to keep warm, or bed to sleep on. There was a bucket in the corner but that was all. The only warmth you were given was that of your own body heat.

When Matthias first arrived he was stript of everything he knew. They took his clothes and any belonging he had on him and left him with nothing but the clothes they had given him. Which eventually had just turned into a pair of pants when his shirt was ripped off his body.

To think this place was bad enough, tonight it was about to get a whole lot worse.

Matthies was in the corner of his cell, he was sitting up with his back pressed against the wall. His eyes were fighting for sleep as the foggy air left his blue lips. But the sound of heavy boots and the clanking of metal got him up real fast.

Down the hall was the smallest bit of light that Matthias knew as the guard's light. They banged on prison cells which caused some of the prisoners to start yelling and trying to grab the guards through the bars. To which the guards just laughed.

They did this all the way done the hall until they reached Matthias' cell.

"What about this one?" One of the guards asked. Matthias had his head down so he wasn't sure how many guards were there, but however many were there, they seemed to agree when the cell door opened.

Matthias stood up as soon as this happened and his breathing quicken when his fist tightened. It was been a while since he was beaten by the guards, but one thing is for sure, they don't go easy.

"Easy big guy," One of them said. Matthias tried to count them but there were more than he knew how to count in Kerch.

Two of them decided to step forward and grab a hold of him to which he threw a punch to the face of the one guard and revived a baton to the stomach by the other. The blow landed him on his knees with a few coughs leaving him after the air was knocked out of his lungs. Matthias was only down for a second before he stood back up. He was a lot taller than the guards but that didn't put him at an advantage against their weapons.

Eventually, they got a hold of Matthias and cuffed his hands behind his back before dragging him back to his feet. Of course, they didn't get away with this without a fight from Matthias.

"He's a good fighter," He heard one of the guards whisper to which the other agreed.

Matthias felt his feet weaken under him, relying on the two guards holding him to keep him up. He did keep his head lifted to send threatening glares at the guards. One stepped forward with a baton in hand and Matthias body stiffened ready for the hit, but it never came.

Instead, the man spoke, "Let's make a deal."

"No deals here," Matthias said in broken Kurch with his thick Fjerdan accent bleeding through.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll like this one." Matthias disliked the way this man spoke like he was talking to a child and not a Fjerdan soldier. "Every heard of the Hellshow?"

Matthias didn't provide an answer and only continued with a series of threatening glares.

"I know you have," The guard said. Yes, Matthias had heard about the Hellshow, it was one of the only things anyone talked about around here. "The deal is, you agree to fright in the Hellshow and I'll see what I can do about a new cell."

Matthias felt a sense of relief when the cuffs that were too tight were taken off. He rubbed the ring of red that now circled his wrists as the guards closed the door to his new cell. This new cell wasn't any warmer but the shirt they threw him helped a little. The cell wasn't any bigger than the last and it still had that bucket in the corner. But it did have a bed if a steel sheet attached to the wall could even be considered a bed, but it was better than the floor.

"If you win the Hellshow tomorrow night I'll cook you dinner myself," Were the guard's last words before they left, but unfortunately they came back sooner than Matthias would have liked.

From one cage to the next like an animal. Matthias was thrown into a ring with a roaring crowd banging on the cage that surrounded it. This wasn't his first time in the ring since he made the deal weeks ago. He knew what was about to come. He readies himself for when the gate on the other side of the ring would open and he would be faced with his opponent.

He knelt down the touch the stone that made up the floor beneath his feet, it was cold, like snow. The crowds cheered turned into howling winds and in the next moments he would turn into a Fjerdan soldier in place of a prisoner.

The gate was open and Matthias was met with the yellow eyes of a beast. The first time the gate was opened he expected another prisoner but instead was faced with a bloodthirsty wolf who bared its teeth and let out a low growl.

The wolf made the first move and Matthias avoided any bite or claw the wolf threw his way. He was a better fighter now than when he first started when he was dragged out of the ring covered in blood. Now his back was painted in scars but at least he knew how to fight.

The wolf would eventually grab hold of Matthias' arm with its teeth. Matthias took hold of the wolf and slammed it to the floor. The wolf yelped but that was cut off by Matthias knee on its neck. In a split second, Matthias twisted to the wolf's neck to hear a snap and it went limp. 

Matthias let go of the wolf and stood up with slouched shoulders to the wild cheers of the crowd. He wiped his cheek with the back of his hand not realizing it was covered in fresh blood that dripped down his arm. Sweat-soaked hair stuck to his forehead and his breathing was thick but there was a smile on his face. He couldn't help but smile at the sounds of winning. What can he say? This place changes people.

He looked to the crowd raising his arms in the air and letting out a howl which the crowd loved. He let his proud eyes wonder the crowd shaking the cage when he was met with the eyes of pure fear. She had her hands covering her mouth and her eyes trailed his scarred and bloody body.

"Nina," Matthias whispered.

Chapter Eight - May 12, 2023

Word Count - 1356 Words

I shaved my head. I'M BALD

- Flyon

The Crows Next Mission - WesperOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant