Chapter I

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Lityersus was reading about the old times, when magic was allowed. She dusted off the cover of her great-grandfather's spell book, and ran her fingers over its laced cover, looking at the spells it contained.

"Lityersus!" Her mother called. "You're going to be late for school!"

"Coming!" Lityersus shouted down the stairs, shoving the spell book into her backpack.

Her mother greeted her warmly, gripping her in a lavender-smelling hug. Her mother's green and red robe swished around their feet.

"Look which little elf's up!" Her mother said warmly.

"Of course I'm up!" Lityersus smirked. "Do you really think I would want to miss the annual Magic's Festival?"

"You can't go like that, Lit." My mother scolded, brushing some of my silver hair out of my eyes. She grabbed a hairbrush, and started combing it through my hair.

After she finished, my mother's honey coloured eyes met my sky-blue eyes.

"You are a great elf, Lityersus." She said, "Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."

"But how can I be a good elf when I can't use magic?" I complained.

"Lit, we've been through this." My mother said tiredly, reaching out to touch my light olive-coloured skin. She held my hand for a brief moment. "But if it makes you stop asking, I'll give you my spell book."

"You have a spell book?" I was amazed.

"Yes, Lityersus," My mother said, and gave me a small key. "I have a spell book. I keep it in the attic. Go get the purple coloured book in the silver drawer of my chest."

After getting what she asked for, my mother blew the dust that had settled over the book.

"I haven't seen it in at least twenty years." My mother explained. "It's been up there since they banned magic to keep him at bay."

"Keep who at bay?" I asked.

"Never mind that." My mother said, and kissed me on the cheek. "You have to get to that annual Magic's Festival, don't you?"

"Yes mother." I said, putting the book in my backpack where it bumped against Great-Grandfather's book. I kissed my mother on the cheek and ran out the door where my friend, Mihangyl, was waiting.

"What'd you got?" Mihangyl asked. "You're practically buzzing!"

"Don't worry!" I joked. "It's not contagious!"

"Then what is it?" Mihangyl asked.

"I got my mother's spell book!" I exclaimed quietly.

"But you know magic's forbidden!" Mihangyl said worriedly, lowering his voice so that Lit had to strain to hear him. "It was bad enough you had your great-grandfather's book, but now this one too?"

"No one will know!" Lit assured. Mihangyl gazed at her, worry and doubt written all over his face.

Mihangyl wasn't the one to break the rules all the time. It was a wonder they got along, really. The outspoken rule-breaker, and the calm follower of rules.

"There you two are!" Iarbella called down from where she was hanging up a banner. "I was wondering where my two top students were! Come help me set this up."


"Come one, come all to Raishaal Elf's Elementary!" A voice said over the announcements. "Welcome to our annual Magic's Festival, prepared for you by our very own students!"

A cheer went up after the last part.

"Now, we have a special guest!" The announcements continued. "Please welcome Emperor Nueleth!"

The Path To Magic Book 1: The Sorcerer's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now