Chapter V

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In The Human Realm Of Earth...

Evelynn flipped through the pages of her book. Faces of dragons and elves stared back at her.

I wonder if Calvin Chandler wrote this one too, Evelynn wonderd. She checked the author of the book. Yep, this one is by the same author.

Why is Calvin Chandler the only one to write about Athia? Evelynn wonders. Surely others would write about Athia in fan-fiction, or sequels or something?

As Evelynn was wondering about Calvin Chandler, a black tabby cat ran into the room and jumped onto the bed beside her.

"Midnight!" Clayton - Evelynn's brother - scolded. "You know not to disturb Evelynn!"

"It's okay, Clayton," Evelynn said, stroking Midnight. "Midnight didn't disturb me." Midnight let out a small mrrow that sounded like Really? I wouldn't bother her if I didn't know she was working! Duh!

"Are you sure?" Clayton questioned.

"Yes, Clayton."

"Very well," Clayton sighed. "You better not cause any trouble, missy," He waved his finger at Midnight and Evelynn laughed.

"What are you looking at?" Clayton asked after a moment.

"This?" Evelynn asked, flipping the book back open.

"Yeah." Clayton said, sitting on the end of Evelynn's bed.

"Here," Evelynn said, "I'll read it aloud."

"Emperor Callon was a respected and good ruler. He was born to Ithira and Polarit, the former emperors of Athia (see, Emperors Of Athia Family Tree), and took Geolana as a wife (see, Athia Empresses). Geolana bore Callon two children: Nueleth (see, Athian Princes), and Tritoia (see, Athian Princesses).

Callon was blamed for the Dragon King Kralj's death, due to the fact that Callon was among the few elves to have a magical creature form. Callon was believed to have the power to turn himself into a Sphirori (see, Sphere-or-ee), the latter of which being a mix between a bear, a lion, and an eagle. Kralj's body was found covered in scratches and markings that were believed to be from a Sphirori. It is unknown if Callon truly murdered Kralj, but it would assume so as the Dragon King had gone to a meeting with Callon before being found dead (see, Kralj's Death).

Though Callon exclaimed himself innocent, the Dragon Queen Zlato (see, Dragon Queens Of Athia) called him guilty of her husband's death. The Dragon Queen, hurting, sent troops of dragons to war against Callon's forces, the latter of which mostly consisting of Moon Elves.

After receiving a warning very shortly before the war with the Dragons (see, Athia's History) from Calanis, the Royal Deliverer of Prophecies, or RDP, Callon became a different ruler. It is unknown what the message was, but it drove Callon to the edge of insanity. He became brutal, and, in the final battle between him and Zlato, was slain by Zlato. Zlato herself was later found dead bearing the same wounds as Kralj, though it is unknown if it was Callon's ghost who murdered Zlato as revenge for killing him (see, Curses and Spells Of The Dead).

Nueleth later succeeded his father as Emperor of Athia, and his sister, Tritoia, disappeared. It is believed that Tritoia left and started her own circus. Nueleth also gained an assistant in that time: Kikimora (see, Emperor's Assistants), daughter of Callon's previous personal assistant, Lojiak."

"That was sad." Clayton remarked. "Why does it keep saying 'see, Athia's History' or something."

"They're different parts of the book," Evelynn explained. "The author, Calvin Chandler, wrote two books: this one, and another one based on the legends and myths of Athia."

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