2: The truth

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I kneel down, to not seem so scary to the kid. Said kid scoots backwards, until she hits a tree. She then pulls her knees into her chest. She cannot seem to be able to hide her fear.

"Hello there, I'm Luz. I understand that you are scared out of your mind right now, but you don't have to be." Finally, I see the kid take a deep breath, and then she starts to speak.

"How can I not be terrified! There are literally people behind you with pointy ears, and I HAVE ABSOLUTLY NO IDEA WHERE I AM! HOW IN THE WORLD AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT BE SCARED!!!"

"Ok, ok, take some deep breaths there," I wait for her to do so. "You do have some very good points." I smile and chuckle a little, "You're more scared than I was when I first came here. I'm like you, a human who found the door and walked through it." I say as I show her my ears. "The people behind me with pointy ears are my family. The purple hair one is my lovely wife, Amity, and the old one-" I say, earning a 'HEY' from Eda. "- is Eda. Amity and Eda are witches." The girls eyes go wide, and she stands up, her back against the tree.

"It's ok! It's ok!" I quickly say, realizing that I probably scared her. "They're not going to hurt you."

"Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, NOPE!" The girl says as she turns around, steps away from the tree, and starts running.

"NO- WAIT!" I yell, but it's pointless she's gone. I quickly run after her, leaving Eda and Amity.

Ari's POV

I run. Not bothering to look back. It's bad enough that I don't know where I am, let alone with people who aren't human. I don't care what the person said, I think she said her name was Luz, but that's irrelevant. I'm not going to believe some random person about them not hurting me, you can't trust most people, even those close to you, I know from experience. 

I keep my eyes focused on what's in front of me, to not run into something. What I didn't account for, was the roots of trees and I proceeded to trip over one. I sit there for a second, before hearing some yelling "KID". I stand up, and run in the opposite direction, just as the Luz person comes into eyesight.

After about 1 minute of sprinting away, I start to get tired. I don't know how much further I can go like this.

A massive building comes into sight, as well as a bunch of creatures in some kind of matching uniform thing. I quickly hide in one of the bushes nearby, hoping that I wouldn't caught. Shortly after, Luz runs past me. She stops just past the bush I'm in, and stares at the building. She shakes her head. I quickly hop out of the bush as run back towards the woods, just as she turns around.

I guess I should've looked at where I was going, because I ran into a REALLY tall dude. I fall backwards unto my bum. I look down with a grumpy face as I hear footsteps stop behind me and two people sigh.

"Hey Hunter." I hear her say.

"Hey Luz, Amity told me what happened. I about to head over to the Owl House to help, but I didn't get that far. Is this the girl?" The tall dude (I guess his name is Hunter) says.

"Yeah, this is her. Thanks." Luz says. I hear some footsteps, and the grass shifting, as they sit down next to me.

"What do you want?" I ask, still not looking up.

"We want to help you. We know what it's like to be in a different world and not knowing anyone or where you even are. I got trapped her when I was 14." Luz gently claims.

"Yeah, and we got trapped in the human realm for a few months." The Hunter dude says.

"Listen, we can teach you things about this world and we can help you get home."

"No thanks." I say earning a sigh from both of them. "I am not going with people who I just met and barely know. I know enough about life to understand that you cannot trust people, no matter what. I can find my own way home, thank you very much. And I will find the way pretty quickly. I gotta get home before my mother does." When I say that, Luz looks and Hunter, and I see in the corner of my eye, him nodding.

"Can you at least come with us so that we know you are safe and not getting killed by the demons, or have fallen into the boiling seas. Plus, I think it's going to rain soon, and you don't want to be outside when that happens." Luz says. I sigh and nod my head, giving up.

Luz and the Hunter dude stand up, offering their hands to help me get up, but I slap them away and stand up myself. I follow Luz back the way we came, the Hunter dude follows me. Kinda creepy, it's like he's protecting me, but who would do that?

After about 1 minute, he asks "What's your name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I say back.

"Geez, ok then kid."

I sigh, "It's Ariella, but call me Ari, Ariella is only for my lovely parents."

"Ok then Ari, I'm Hunter, if you didn't her Luz say it earlier."


We keep walking. After about 3 minutes, we reach the building that I guess is called the Owl House. The Eda and Amity people are still there, and they perk up a bit when they spot us. 

- Bel 10.5.23 (977 words)

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