5: The first full day

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I wake up to a silent room. No alarm going off, no pet going crazy, no dad reminding me to get up, and no mother screaming, hitting and throwing stuff at me. 'Am I in paradise?' I think to myself.

That thought didn't last long when memories from yesterday flood into my head. The words, "oh, sugar honey iced tea," come out of my mouth.

"Glad to hear that you're awake." I hear. I turn to see Luz at the door. I quickly sit up. Too quickly though, because I nearly fall out of the bed. "Woah-oh-oh. Slow down there fella." She says with a laugh. I smile a little, and Luz leans against the door frame. "Breakfast is ready when you are."

"No thanks," I say, remembering that last time I tried to eat breakfast. My mother yelled at me because I'm 'too fat', that was like 2 weeks ago, I haven't eaten much food since, only like 1 small meal a day. "I think I'm good."

"I'm not taking no for an answer. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I don't care what reasons you have to not eat it, it isn't healthy to skip breakfast. So when you are ready, come downstairs, and I'll serve you some food." I nod my head and she walks away.

A confused look covers my face. Why would she care about me eating food or not? I shake my head to clear the thoughts and go to the cupboard.

I open the top drawer and grab the clothes I put in there last night. It's a light brown/beige flannel, with black pants and a white shirt. I chuck on my Black converse as well. I quickly brush my hair and tie it in a low ponytail.

 I quickly brush my hair and tie it in a low ponytail

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I put my phone in my pocket, out of habit. It's still turned off.

I walk out the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. When I enter it, I see Luz by the stove, cooking some pancakes, Eda sitting at the table, talking to this weird creature thing and a person with teal hair, and the Hunter dude standing near Luz, talking to her, or waiting for pancakes, I'm not sure.

I kinda just stand there. That is until Amity walks from behind me and stands next to me. I look up at her, and she motions for me to follow her. We sit down opposite Eda and the two other people at the table. They look up and I mumble a shy "hi".  

An arm reaches over me, and places a plate down in front of me. I look up and I see the Hunter dude smiling down at me. I look down at the plate in front of me. On it is 2 pancakes, with some berry like things.

I grab the fork, stab one of the berries and plop it in my mouth. A look of shock and surprise overs my face. IT'S SOOOOOO SWEET AND YUMMY!!!!!

"Someone likes berries!" I hear a new voice say. I look up at the people opposite me, fork still in my mouth, hoping that it was one of them that said it, and not my brain. "Hi, I'm Raine, and I'm guessing you're Ari." The mystery voice says. It comes from the teal haired person, who I now know is Raine, Eda's partner.

I nod my head, taking the fork out of my mouth, and stabbing it into another berry before putting it back into my mouth. This time I don't keep it there, and move it to the side of my plate. I look back down at my pancakes. I'm not sure if I want to eat them.

I'm guessing I said that with my face because I hear Amity start to talk.

"Hey Luz, I think we have enough pancakes now. But could you just bring a bowl of the berries here please?"

"Sure thing sweet potato."

A bowl of berries gets placed down in the middle of the table, and Luz and Hunter sit down, Hunter next to me, and Luz next to Amity. Amity moves the plate in front of me to in front of herself and places the bowl of berries where the plate was. I look up at her with the smile of a toddler who got their favourite toy. She smiles back at me and places my fork into the bowl.

That's when I realise that she's being more motherly to me than my actual mother, a sad thought, but I don't let it show. I start to eat the berries, and the others start talking. I don't pay attention though. I only care about these berries right now.

Someone taps my shoulder. I flinch and look up, only to see that it was Amity. I release the breath I was holding in, and a confused look covers her face.

I go to put more berries in my mouth, but then I see that the bowl is empty. Darn it.

"Hey Ari, why don't we go shopping today? We don't know how long it'll be until we can get you home, because we don't know what door you came from, and the one we have isn't working. You'll need some clothes and things, plus, we can buy you more berries. What do you say to that?" I look up at luz. She's willing to spend her money on someone whom she just met? Wow.

"Um... yeah sure... if it's not too much of a problem for you."

"It isn't. I haven't got anything on, no uni and no work, so it's all good."

I smile. "Ok, thanks!" 

Writing this chapter is making realise how toxic and things my mother can be, but that irrelevant ig. Anyways, peace out peeps!

- Bel 16.5.23 (991 words)

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