3. New home

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Hunter POV

We walk into the owl house, with Eda and Amity following us.

"Make yourself at home." Luz says to Ari, who nodded and sat down in the corner of the couch. Luz sat at the other end, Eda and Amity grabbed chairs and pulled them up in front of the couch. I stay standing, back to the door, facing the couch, ready to move if Ari tries to run.

A shy "hi" comes from Ari's mouth. Eda and Amity says it back.

"So, kid, I'm guessing Luz and Hunter already know your name, but why don't you tell us?" Eda says.

"Um... ok. I'm Ari. It's short for Ariella, but only 2 people can call me that, and they are my parents."

"Ari is a cool name. Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?" Says Amity.

"Why don't I learn stuff about you guys first?" Ari replies back, with a hint of attitude, almost like she's holding back stuff. I wondering what she's hiding. I see the way she grips the end of her jumper sleeves, and I reckonise the look in her eyes, hiding the side that you don't want people to see. It's what I saw in the mirror years ago.

"Someone's a little feisty," Eda states, everyone laughs a little. I smile when Ari gives a tiny smile at that comment. "I agree with you though kid. As you already know, I'm Eda. I have an awesome partner, Raine, but they're at work right now. I have a two kids, Luz and King. King is with Raine. I also have a sister, Lillith, aka Lily. Don't bother with asking for my age, you won't get it, EVER!"

"Good to know. Nice to meet you Eda." Ari then looks at Amity, her face saying 'you next'.

"Ok. I'm Amity Noceda. Like Luz said before, we are married. I have two siblings, Emira and Edric. Don't be surprised if they prank you if you meet them. I'm 20."

"I like your hair," says Ari, receiving a 'thanks' from Amity. Ari looks between Luz and I; I'm guessing that she's trying to decide who's next. She settles by looking at Luz.

"Alrighty then. You already my name, that I'm human like you, and that I'm married to Amity. Hunter over there," she points at me as she says that, "is my big bro. I can't do magic the way that these guys do, I use glyphs instead. I'm helping my little bro King figure them out."

Ari just nods her head, but she looked interested when Luz mentioned glyphs. We catch eye contact and I realize that it's my turn. I sigh.

"I'm Hunter, adopted brother to Luz, and I'm 22. I got these scars from being possessed 6 years ago, don't ask. I'm dating a beautiful girl named Willow. And that's it."

"That's it? Surely you must have other stuff about you?"

"I carve palismen for a job."

"You are a very vague person."

"Trust me, you don't want to know my past." I say with a huff.

"Like you would want to know mine either." She snaps. A flash of fear covers her face the moment she realized what she said. "ForgetIsaidanything!" Ari quickly states, pulling the hood of her jumper over her head. As she did that, I notice part of a cut on her neck.

Luz, Amity Eda and I share a confused look at each other, but my face turns into an understanding look as I realize what most likely has happened in this girls life. Someone hasn't treated her right, and that someone has a death wish. I make a silent vow in my head to protect Ari from those who hurt her. 

"I guess I should tell you guys a little about me now. I'm 12 and I'm from Australia. I guess I got here from the glowing door I walked through. I have an older brother at home, Daniel, he's 17, but he moved out already and lives in England. I haven't heard from him in about a month though, but that does really matter." A sad expression covers everyone's face when they hear that. Luz sighs.

"Well, until we can figure out how you got here through a different portal, and how to get that one back, you'll have to stay here. Because we don't really have any spare rooms, would you mind if you shared one with Amity and I, we'll just have to put another bed and cupboard in it, but that won't be hard. What do you say?"

"Ok, I guess. I mean, I don't really have any where else to go."

"Follow me, I'll show you around." Luz says, and they get up and walk away.

I move to sit on the couch, looking at Eda and Amity. "You saw the way she was acting right? A bit scared, and it seemed like she was hiding something." Eda quietly said, her voice level just above a whisper.

"Yeah... something's not right." Amity replies with.

"I notice the look in her eyes, she's broken inside, and it seems like she hides that. It's something that I saw in myself for quite a long time after Belos. Someone's hurt her. I'm pretty sure I also saw her hide a cut on her neck that she quickly covered." I say. Eda and Amity's faces get full of concern, but not for me, for Ari. "I'll talk to her when I can. She might feel more comfortable talking to a person who understands that pain." The two heads in front of me nod.

Luz's POV

"Here is the bathroom. There's only one in this house, so it does get crazy, but we make it work. We may have to go shopping for some toiletries, if you don't have any."

"I've got deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste. I'll just need shampoo, conditioner and body wash."

"We can buy those tomorrow. Now, over here is the room. If we move my desk and the cupboard around a bit, we'll be able to put a bed in that spot, and fit another cupboard in here. Don't worry, we'll make it work. I'll go get Amity to come help me, and get Eda to get the things."

Ari nods, and I walk out of the room, and starts to head towards the lounge room.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"And done. There you go Ari, what do think?" I ask as I put the pillow on the bed.

"Wow. Thanks guys!" A smile covers her face, making me smile.

I step back from the bed. It's a single bed, covered in dark blue sheets, that Ari picked out, the sheets have stars on it, and a matching pillow, as well as a plushie of the moon. The bed is pushed against the corner of the room, with a black cupboard against the end of it, followed by a matching black bedside table at the head of the bed. Ari wanted it to be like the night sky in the human realm, so that's what we did.

"Why don't you put the things you have away while we go and get dinner sorted out?" asks Amity.

"Sure thing!"

I give Ari a small nod, and walk out, followed by Amity, leaving Ari to empty her bag.

Mystery POV

"ARIELLA-JUNE HAILEY JAMIE! WHERE ARE YOU! YOU'LL BE DEAD WHEN I FIND YOU!" I yell into my phone, the making the 13th voicemail to her. She still hasn't picked up. Where has the brat gone? I give her a house and food, and this is how she repays me? By not doing the housework, going on a ride, without asking, and then ignoring my calls? Ohoho, that girl is dead the moment I get my hands on her.  

- Bel 12.5.23 (1305 words)

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