Chapter 26: Luke's big problem

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Luke had just met all these people. But they didn't know anything about him. Neither they nor anyone, just him and his cat Michi. It was already good. He had to tell someone, someone human. So he decided to tell The Cats and Miriam.

-Guys...- he started to tell them.- I think I should tell you something.

-We hear you.- Miriam said, willing to listen to her friend. -Tell us what it is and we will try to help you.

-You see, there is a reason why I moved away from civilization.- Luke explained. -On which my life depends.

- What is it, Luke?- Dany asked. -Sorry, I cut you off, I'll shut up.

-Well, it turns out that I have a weak heart and I didn't want to make him suffer.- Luke explained. -If someone hurt me psychologically, even a little bit, my heart would literally break and I would die.

-But...- Lindsay interrupted. - Don't you have any machine that helps you do that?

-The truth is that yes, and in fact I use it.- Luke replied. -It is a kind of alarm that alerts me to possible strong emotions that I cannot feel or receive.

-For example...- Miriam concluded. - Love and hate?

-Yes, for example. -her friend agreed with her. -But I suppose that some friendships will not harm me.

-I hope so.- Dany said. -Otherwise, I would feel guilty all my life.

-Me too.- Lindsay said.

-And me.- Kate said.

-Me too.- Luna said.

-I'm wondering the same.- Miriam said.

-Well guys, I think we have to continue investigating the mystery. -Lindsay concluded. -Let's see on the top floor.

Lindsay is right. -Dany said. -Let's go there.

-Oh, how beautiful. -Luna joked. -I smell romance.

- Hey! -Lindsay scolded teasingly, blushing a little. Dany had also blushed slightly and giggled.- Let's focus and go there.

I wonder how Alice is. -Miriam sighed. -I don't know why, but every day she means more to me.

And so, the six friends along with Michi went to investigate the top floor. There a surprise awaits them...


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