Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was still chilli as the sun came up even after Karin left. Sakura was not going to stay all day at home unpacking with almost no food in her fridge and a whole new town to explore. Her phone told her it was almost the middle of the day, and the closest supermarket was open with only a few minutes by car. Not to mention, it was the only supermarket in town...

Also, since her sister left by cab, she had her car all to herself. A car that needed the tank to be filled.

Grabbing her keys, she headed to her car. Old but good, this car drove her everywhere in her years of college up until now, a present from her parents when she graduated Highschool and got her scholarship for med school. Jumping in her car, grabbing the wheel, and just breathing in all the memories. She took good care of her car; it was her baby.

The small trip to the supermarket was interesting as there seemed to be very few people, it was a Sunday anyway. She did not see many people at the supermarket and the cashier barely even glanced at her. No one to greet and to get to know.

Maybe the sense of normality in the town will sink in faster than she thought. She hasn't even met her neighbour, but back in the city, no one really minded new arrivals as long as they did not make too much noise.

Treasured Oak was a small yet beautiful town, it could not compare to the videos and pictures she saw from the internet. The small town had important celebrations each year and most had to do with the history of the people who built it and various historically relevant events taken place here, not just regular holidays. She was eager to join the Autumn festivals once they arrive, fireworks and events excited her more than she anticipated.

Only if work allowed.

She would return to the busyness of work in the medical field, even though she loved it. It was hard. Her mind focused on her new home, she needed to unpack everything and prepare for work.

Her former teacher and guide had given her the chance to work in a different environment by sending her to work with a doctor in Treasured Oak, their friendship was not well explained other than growing up in the same town and going to the same university. Sakura had no idea what to expect from this new boss of hers, but she was grateful for the opportunity.

On her way back home from the supermarket she decided to take the scenic route around town, she drove through downtown, pass the clinic and found her way towards the lake. She parked and sat on the hood of her car.

If she did not know it was a lake, she would confuse it with the ocean. Endless sea of clear and reflective water, the sunsetting over the horizon was something she would never want to miss again.

The dance of colours jumping in the water like liquid gold and silver.

She basked in the warmth of the sun as it faded away. No tall buildings covering her view, no pollution clouding the sky, no noisy cars and people in rush to get home. Just pure and utter tranquillity.

Indeed, she was falling in love with Treasured Oak.


Morning came with the blast of her alarm clock. Sakura was not a morning person at all. But she had her trusty coffee maker that got her through university, her sisters intense parties and her parents early morning visits.

It was her poison and her blessing. She was so used to it to a point Karin would shove a coffee at her to drink before they went out or Sakura would not be going anywhere.

For Karin, it was a donut. Without her sugary treat, she woman would bring hell on earth.

The clinic was very quiet and empty as she left her car in the parking lot and entered, the small ring of a bell hanging on the glass door notified her arrival to the only person at the front desk.

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