Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Thunder cracked the quiet sounds of the light breeze and sent a warning to the people of Treasured Oak, it will rain. For how long? It could be minutes; it could be hours.

It could be days.

The occupants of the further houses were used to the rain, people would just stay home if those dirt and gravel roads were drenched in rain and small rivers formed from the overflow of water, even the tall and powerful trees could only protect you from the heavy fall of droplets and strong winds.

She only hoped electricity would stay during the ordeal.

But the clouds seemed light grey, and the thunder roared from afar, the eye of the storm was elsewhere and probably miles away from Miss Chiyo's home. A good thing for the pinket, her rain boots could save her from the mud, but her umbrella was somewhere in her home or even forgotten back in at her sister's place since Sakura could not find it anywhere.

She really liked that umbrella, even though it was old and ready to break from a strong wind...

The creaking sound of wood caught her attention, the dark green front door was opened just slightly, enough for someone to peek through from the inside and see her.

- "Hello?" – she spoke out hoping the person was her patient. But she heard no response. – "I'm the medic, here to find Miss Chiyo." – the pinket continued trying to peek through the small opening of the door.

The small wooden gate was closed, and she did not want to let herself into the front garden and anger the owner without permission. – "May I come in? I'm here for a general check-up." – she almost pleaded.

- "Liar." – a small voice shouted laced with annoyance from the home.

- "Sorry?" –

After a few moments, the door was pushed to show an older women dressed in comfortable layers of brown clothing and a grey scarf that her short dark grey hair seemed to blend in with almost perfectly. Her wrinkled skin seemed to emphasize her annoyance as she stared at Sakura up and down with narrowed eyes.

- "You are not my doctor. You don't even look like one." – the old women pointed at her clothing. There was nothing wrong with Sakura's choice of clothing, her above the knee black pencil skirt was comfortable and office appropriate; long sleeve red button up blouse was of the thin and breathable material she preferred; she covered her legs slightly with dark stockings that blended in with her black short and pointed heels.

There was nothing wrong with her clothes, she liked the simple style for work since she could blend easily in the city and would wear a lab coat anyways. Even her hair was done up in a simple bun with her side bangs framing her face. Her white doctor's coat with her name over her heart told everyone who she was.

She was dressed work appropriate; her peers would constantly nag at her if she had jeans and a t-shirt all the time, Tsunade would tell her "At least look like you want to be here" each time they would cross paths.

On other days her scrubs would be necessary if she was on round duty. Sakura had no other work clothes even if she wanted to wear something different, her sister practically burned all their old clothes and dragged her into the shops once they graduated from university. "Broke but fabulous" Karin would shout when scouting for sales.

Sakura was proud of herself, she dressed and acted like it. With her chin up and proud she confronted the older woman with a respectful tone. – "I am a doctor ma'am, and I would appreciate you'd call me Doctor Haruno." –

The woman's eyebrow lifted in obvious disapproval. – "Well. "Doctor Haruno", as you can see, I am perfectly fine. You can go now." – her smile was pure sarcasm.

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