Act Two

41 2 14

12: 23 AM November 1st 2023
Chris's POV

I couldn't hear anything as I ran to the metal banister. Adrenaline had been pumping in my ears and muffled the world around me. All I could focus on was my brother, unmoving and lying on the first floor. My eyes were glued to Matt, it didn't feel real. It couldn't be, he has to be breathing.

I turned around behind us, fists ready to swing. Except, "Mr. Ghostface" wasn't there.

"CMON OUT MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled, yanking the hockey stick James had been holding out of his hands.

"Chris," Nick said, coming up beside me.

I turned my eyes to him, my grip tightening around the hockey stick.

"We need to get the fuck out of here. Madi, did you guys call the police?" He said, all eyes falling on her. She was holding her head and sitting against the wall, clearly not doing okay. She had mascara running down her cheeks and her eyes were glued to the railing Matt had been thrown over.

"Madi," I repeat after Nick, "Did you call the police?"

She starts shaking her head and breaking down, "I-, he-, we couldn't-"

"Madi," I said.

"He took my phone," she kept going.

"Madi, MADI," I yelled, silencing her stammering, "Just answer the question, yes or fucking no?" Nick put his hand on my shoulder, a silent message to calm down, but I shrugged it off.

Madi shook her head, "No."

I physically felt my body go numb with no emotion, no anger or fear or grief. It's a dream, none of this can actually be happening.

"James, call the cops," Nick says, "Madi, stay with Nathan, and Chris,"

"What?" I say, meeting Nick's eyes. I didn't know who else I would turn to, he's the only person alive I truly trust.

The lights suddenly turn off, and Madi screams. I feel Nicks grip on my shoulder tighten and my annoyance shoots through the roof.

"Cmon! Show your face you FUCKING COWARD," I screamed.

The lights came back on and all of us were still there, even Nathan, who was lying unconscious on the floor.

"What, did I say the magic word?" I said. Nick rolls his eyes at me as my phone rings in my pocket.

I pull my phone out and look at the screen, the name "Matt" across the top. Nick and I look at each other, knowing good and well we just saw Matt thrown over the railing.

"Who is it?" James asks.

I say nothing and Nick quickly goes back to the railing, "Holy mother of god," he says.

"What?" I ask, walking over to him. Then I see the blank spot on the floor where our brother was supposed to be. James came over to the railing and backed away.

"This is too fucking weird, I'm getting the fuck out of here," he says, walking towards the stairs.

"James!" Nick calls, going after James and pulling Madi by the hand with him. She follows then sits on the floor next to Nathan, pulling his head into her lap.

"Don't you fucking go anywhere!" I practically scream. My sudden outburst made James stop in his tracks.

"What? You're going to stop me?" James said.

I walk over to him, hockey stick in hand, "All I'm saying is it's pretty convenient that for the last 20 years we've had Halloweens that didn't end in murder, and then you hop on into the group and suddenly we're down a brother and a friend."

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