how it all started.....

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Hey guys so what I wanted to say was my names denise im 15 and theres been alot of things that have been happening in my life ever since I noticed things more as I grew older I've noticed reality when I was small I could care less in this world and as you grow older you start to notice about different people how they act and their attitude you also notice how cruel the world is on the outside you notice fantasy things in tv but dont come true in life unless you make it happen with hard work. See how the difference is when you were a kid ( 3 yrs old ) you didn't really care about people judging you or telling you things until you grew older you start feeling unconfident with yourself as you were when you were a child ( Y/N I know you were confident and probably you still are thats amazing cause I cant I dont have self confidence) and I under stand as you grow people start judging you based on your looks and the way you dress the way your hair is and it matters now what kind of shoes you wear and the technology you use.

Hey this was my first time writting a wattpad I hoped you guys liked it if you did please comment for more thank you means alot if you follow and like this :) love you beautifuls.

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