bullied:social media/school

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High school is drama trust me ( Y/N you know there is always drama in school even in social media) but I hate it how they bully you and they judge you because the way you walk,the way you talk,the way you dress, and they way you act, but also they always tell me that just because I flip my hair they think im stook up dont judge a person on what they do actually get to know them before you start talking by the way some girls at school *only bark they dont bite* hahahaha xD let me tell you a story so some girl at my school about a month ago decided to start talking smack about me saying that I lost my virginity my response was * are you f*****g serious nahhh this sh*t is stupid* so i went up to her and told her stop spreading rumors and say it to my face *I may look like I wouldnt fight but if you get on my nerve trust me I will get ya shout out to the girl that spreaded rumors* I would say her name but I really cant because I will get suspended xDD but umm... getting back to the point hehe *evil laugh* social media is a bad place in my opinion because everything happenes in social media if you post something you'll get judged if its stupid basically and pictures that you post they will judge you trust me I've been through it high school it's peer drama I've done mistakes over the internet but im a person who just doesn't Care if people judge (we all know theres a point in your life Y/N were you just break down and everything all comes down all at once with tears) but basically the whole point of this is bully is not the right thing to do it hurts people deep inside some of is have been through it I know some and othet people that are sooooo called popular act like they have never been bullied and ughhh popular people think they are the sh*t

Well I hope you guys liked this chapter and im trying to come up with more if you guys have questions comment them below and please like this and follow me thanks for reading see ypu next time beautifuls

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