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Ayumu, Hiyono, Kanone, Eyes, Kousuke, Ryoko, and Rio were walking to where Brittany's Therapy and Treatment Center called Safespace Therapy and Treatment Center was, to pick her up after work, during the time that they finally learned about her traumatic past. They had all in fact, decided to pick her up, since they were worried about her because she had been quiet, but also jumpy lately.

"Brittany has sure been quiet and jumpy lately." Hiyono said while walking close to Ayumu who had become her boyfriend recently.

"We all noticed that. She refuses to talk about it. She's not ready to tell us." Ryoko said. And Ayumu, Kanone, Eyes, Kousuke, and Rio nodded in agreement with Ryoko as they entered the building.

"Good point." Hiyono said while walking with them.

They stopped as they saw not only Brittany but four people she seemed to know. They also noticed how Brittany's face drained of color as they slowly walked to her. They also noticed as they got closer what her eyes were staring at in one of the four people's hands.

"Brittany what's going on? You look spooked." Ryoko asked as gently as possible.

Brittany looked not only spooked but also weary. But she introduced them to Antonio "Tony" Padilla and his boyfriend Caleb, Clay Jensen, and Tyler Down. It was them who told about Hannah Baker and her tapes.

And Brittany also admitted how close she and Hannah were before she had to basically run and move to somewhere she had hoped that she would be safer. She also said that when it got to her tape they would finally find out why she until this point couldn't speak about her past without having an anxiety attack. They could tell that she had already made up her mind to listen whether they wanted her to or not.

So Eyes Rutherford said that they could listen in his penthouse because he had a cassette player there. Once they were in the penthouse and comfortable Tony got the first tape ready to listen.

"Ready?" Tony asked Brittany gently as he got the first Tape ready to play.

"As ready as I can ever be." Brittany said while sitting in a chair slightly away from everyone in the room.

Although pretty much everyone worried about her state of mind, they knew it was her choice to listen or not. All they could do was be there for her.

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