Chapter XVI - Bryce's Tape to Jessica

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As before Tony did what he had been doing. And as before it took a minute before Hannah's continued.

"Hey Jess, it's me. Yeah I know a tape. Yes I did it on purpose, not to be a dick but, because the day I listened to those tapes my life changed. And I bet the same is true for you, and for Justin, and Zach and everyone. And I wanted to give you this. I thought you'd hear me better if I wasn't standing in front of you. You said I had no idea what I'd done to you..."

"You were right. I can't stop thinking about you...replaying that night in my mind. I raped you, I heard you say no...and I did it anyway. Because I wanted to, and I didn't care how you felt. Justin tried to stop me..."

"I wish I could tell you that there was...a tiny voice inside my head telling me that what I was doing to you was wrong...there wasn't. I never had one of those before...That's not an excuse, it just, is."

"I raped Hannah Baker...I raped 7 or 8 other girls, some of them were my girlfriends at the time. I won't name them, but if they choose to tell you...believe them."

"I'm broken. I know that. But I'm seeing a counselor, it's a long hard process, but little by little you start picking up the pieces. I'd like to say that I'm not the same person, who raped you, anymore Jess. But what I've come to realize is that I'll always be him...But I'm trying to be better. To be someone worth something in this world..."

"I...I have this dream that I could be someone that protects people, somehow, protects them from people like who I was. I don't know. I am so f*ing sorry for what I did to you. I wish you the best Jess. Truly. Goodbye..."

And that's where his tape to Jessica ended. And everyone was quiet for a while as Tony moved to get the tape and put it away.

"Hannah truly did change him." Brittany said softly feeling stunned but it also gave her hope that maybe others like Bryce could change. That maybe what Hannah did would help change a lot of things. She wasn't the only one who was stunned.

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