Chapter XVIII - Kanone's, Eyes', and Brittany's Decision

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Brittany had struggled against the fever raging from her waking gifts for four days, and on the fourth day the fever finally broke. During that time, both Kanone and Eyes kept an eye on her as much as they could, and even managed to calm her when her nightmares were causing distress. They had a feeling they knew exactly why her nightmares were distressing to her.

While they watched over her, they talked about somehow keeping her close to them, so that they could help them keep her safe. Or so that they hoped could help them keep her safe.

They were all relieved once the fever finally broke. And they were talking more about that, while they were also talking about contacting the people in St. Louis for help as well.

"...Anita especially...would be the best to possibly help against him if he has become demon like." Brittany managed to say softly even though her throat hurt because of it being dry.

"Why do you say that?" Kanone asked, while he helped her sit up at least a little bit, as Eyes got some water for her to help her throat.

"Because...she has dealt with a true demon at least once. So dealing with him even if it might be a challenge to her wouldn't be too hard to defeat if needed. Especially because she would have a lot of help." Brittany said after drinking a little of the water and coughing for a minute. Then she told them everything she knew about Anita's arrangements, amongst other things.

"That sounds complicated." Kanone said an amused smile on his face. And even Eyes smiled a bit.

"It is. But they make it work for them anyway." Brittany said shrugging while smiling.

"That's good." Eyes said smiling a bit. And both Kanone and Brittany nodded in agreement with them.

For a while they also tried to come up with other ways to help her stay safe. And after hesitating Kanone and Eyes even admitted to having feelings for her. And to their surprise but also delight she admitted to having feelings towards them as well.

She also admitted to them that she had feelings for Asher as well, and they were alright with it. Though they hated Kane as much as a lot of others did, especially because they view him as another possible threat towards Brittany.

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