Chapter IV - Tyler's Tape

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As before Tony got up and moved to flip so they could continue to listen. Then he moved back to where he was sitting. And as before there was a pause then came Hannah's voice.

"Shh. For this next one you have to be very, very quiet. Because you're about to do something very wrong. Be careful. And don't get caught. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to watch someone? To invade someone's privacy? Do you wonder what secrets you might uncover? What skeletons you might turn up? Well, for this next one, you're about to find out. A-4 on your map, kids. Now, don't say you're too afraid or that you don't feel comfortable doing this kind of thing, because guess what? You spy on people every day. We're always watching someone. Following someone. And being followed. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...they've made us a society of stalkers. And we love it. Of course, stalking someone in real life is a whole 'nother thing."

As they listened, Brittany watched Tyler closely. She felt worried about him. While Ayumu, Hiyono, Kanone, Eyes, Kousuke, Ryoko, and Rio noticed and not only felt worried about Brittany but also Tyler.

"Something bad must have happened to him." Hiyono whispered to them. And they nodded in agreement with her.

"That's right. I had a stalker. And if you made it to A-4, you're outside his window. Just like I am...right now. Any guesses yet? No? Well, stay tuned to hear about the skeletons he dug up. For now...let's see if he's got any of his own. I get that it's a thrill...looking into someone's life. My heart's pounding right now. Can you hear it? Listen."

"Welcome to your tape, Tyler Down. So, tell me...when did it start? How long were you watching me, Tyler?"

Tyler seemed to want to shrink as they listened. Which was worrying. Even as Tony, Caleb, and Clay tried to keep him calm.

"I didn't really think anything of it at first. Must have been the sound of a tree branch in the wind. But the sound followed me. I was too scared to move, even to shut the blinds."

The entire time they listened, Brittany watched Tyler worriedly. Which no one missed. While Tyler had his head down, hiding his eyes.

"So, yeah, we kind of lost track of the plan. But it was so nice having a new friend. It's hard to say exactly how things turned, but let's just say...that night things escalated quickly. And while Courtney didn't hear my stalker arrive...I did. Thankfully, I found a way to kill two birds with one stone. Remember when I said you wouldn't believe the skeletons Tyler found. Turned out they weren't mine. They were Courtney's. I guess we all have secrets. And nobody likes it when their secret gets out. Funny thing is, no one ever found out it was us. That whole fall, everyone looked at that picture. I'd imagine some boys more than once. Well, now you know. Like I said, we're a society of stalkers. We're all guilty. We all look. We all think things we're ashamed of. The only difference is, got caught."

"You made me paranoid, Tyler. So now...I'm giving that to you. Maybe I'll never know why you did what you did. But I can make you understand how it felt to be me. That's why I'm outside your window, Tyler. And after people hear this, I bet I won't be the only one. Knock knock, Tyler."

And that's where Tyler's tape ended.

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