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"Will you be my girlfriend?" Eden says with confidence. We both look at tess and wait for her answer. I know she'll say yes anyways but i want to see how she reacts. She's turning red. I remember the time when me and her didn't get along. She also fell for Day a long time ago. Back when they were on the streets. Day was so hurt when he lost tess. I would have been too. Now she yet again falls with one of the wing's. I smile.

Instead of actually saying anything tess again pulls eden in for a kiss. Not that long only eight seconds long.
"Does that answer your question?" Tess asks looking at eden.
Eden just nods and says to her
"I love you. Even if we just met a little while ago i still love you no matter what."
"I love you too eden" they hug each other and eden goes back to putting his head on tess's shoulder.

Tess in the whole time that i have known her has only had one boyfriend. Here boyfriends name was alex. Alex was nice but i never trusted him in the beginning. They were together for almost two years but tess called it off. Alex was a player. He would come visit tess every other day but i always wondered what he did on the days he wasn't visiting tess. Me and tess actually decided to go eat that day and we went to a sandwich place. We were eating when we saw Alex walk through the door. We saw him entering with a girl. Tess had figured that they were just siblings but i saw something else. They both looked nothing alike and i saw something in their eyes that were all to known to me. They sat down and ordered their food. Me and tess kept talking and acted as if we didn't notice him. Later they both leaned in for a kiss. That's when tess lost it. She ran out of the sandwich place and i went over to alex and looked at him straight in the eye and said words that were not used in my vocabulary often. I went to go and find tess and after an hour of looking for her i gave up and headed to her house hoping she would go there. To my surprise i found her on the couch blanket all the way up to her head. I went over to her and she cried for an hour. I stayed with her that night until five o'clock. I opened my door and i found alex. He looked at me with pity eyes. I just glared at him with anger in my eyes wondering why would he even come back here.

"Why are you even here" i said annoyed by the fact he even had the guts to come over here
"I'm here for tess i want to apologize to her" he said softly.
"Well you know what?! Tess doesn't" i was cut off by tess
"June let me do it." She stood and made her way to the door. Before i knew it all hell broke loose.
"Listen here alex i don't want your apology! I do not want to be tricked again by you twice! If you had to choose between me and her i rather you pick her because i am not anyones second choice!" Before he could answer she slammed the door in his face.
"Does that mean we're not together anymore?!" He asks oh how foolish of him.
Tess opens the door and punches him in the face and i die of laughter.
"Now what do you think?" Tess asks then slams the door. I could not tess did that. It was one if those moments when i knew everyone had a limit.

"June? June?" I wake up to the sound of tess hear her say food is here.
I grab my tray and start to eat. Must be morning already. I finish my plate and leave it by the cell door. I go back and sit by tess and continue to talk before realizing how stupid i was.

I was supposed to be looking out for soldiers who were against antartica instead i've been here just talking with tess. How could i be so stupid.
I hear a loud groan and startle at the sound.

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