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They got june tess and eden. How when? June told me she'll be safe. She promised me. I promised myself. Now that she's been taken hostage i have broken my promise.

I see nat's color from his face go when i explain that they have been captured. I guess he's really gotten along with june and me these past couple of day. I look over at pascao who just looks angry.

"Wow how can a guy like that be so evil?" Pascao asks shaking his head side to side. He's right. How can someone be evil to their own kind. It's as if saying that two dogs barely meet on the streets and one of them already wants to fight. Us the ones going against Antarctica are actually trying to make this place a better place. I mean we're trying to get the soldiers here from the source of impact out of here. The antarctic citizen will be safe from the explosion if they keep the required distance but if not they are done. That is one main reason we actually have to be careful

"Alright you two stop your moping and let's get this show on the rode." Pascao says smiling.
"Right. Do we tell them or do we go ourselves." I ask curious.
"Hmm we'll bring four if them as back up the rest will board a plane to the republic." He says and whistles for greg and three other guys to come. Well at least i thought there were three guys. They introduce themselves and i notice the girl who looks stern. Her name is Michelle. I study her appearance until she startles me.

"What you want to take a picture with me?" She asks serious but i see the smile break out in her face.
"What uhh no it's just i haven't really seen any girl soldiers." I say
"Well most if the girls are working in the hospital. Few of us actually chose military but here it's downright fun." She tells me in a sort of whisper as if being careful who will hear.

"Alright you guys ready!" I tell all four soldiers. I turn to nat and pascao and get their nod of approval.
"Let's get this show on the road pretty boy" pascao says serious but i can't help but smile a little.
We go to the cells to see if maybe just maybe they might still be there. We don't see them so we keep looking around the building.

We look everywhere until there is only one more room. The room that we wouldn't suspect. The room where i actually got interrogated. We enter the room and see the jerk standing over june. My anger rises and i'm about to pounce on him but he gets june in a headlock and puts a gun near her head.
She looks unconscious. She's unaware of the situation which brings me a little but if a relief knowing she won't remember this.

I look at eden and tess and they look terrified for their life.

"Put all if your guns now! Any of you try any funny business the girl gets it!" He says and we put all of our guns down on the floor. I glare at him and he smirks.
"I knew you would be weak if i captured any one of them. Why do you think i chose to get them. They're your one weakness." He says directly at me.

"Now no funny business or she gets it." The guy says looking back before he starts walking towards the door. He inches mire and more until he gets to the door and opens it. He starts going out and he takes june with him.
"Any of you move she dies" he says with a creepy grin.
I look at him and he walks away. We untie tess and eden. They seem scared for june but glad they have each other. I open the door to wander the hall but after looking for the jerk everywhere he's gone. He has take one of the things most precious to me.

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