Chapter eight never give up

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I have a face that went to hurt someone when I kill Carlie. Ace said "it is fine Lexie and you can come over it in no time". Easy said then done I thought. I can't give up. My friends are there to help me.

"Lexie there is a place to stay at for a night and they have nice bads. The place is called the sleep away said Ace". "Ace long time no see". "Rose same here. How you been"? "I'm good. Who is she" said Rose. "That is Lexie and is will be come a princess" said Ace.

"She can't be a princess and she doesn't know to be one". "Rose have little of hope of her she can" said Ace. "I don't have hope for her" said Rose. "I know". I have to leave now but I will see you again Ace.

I think I just give up and be sad what happened to Carlie. "Lexie you can't be sad right now you need to be strong" said Ace. Ace alway try to make people happy but I don't went to be happy. He is right I can't give up now I need to go to the boss and I don't went to have a brake.

We need team work to defeat the boss.

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