Chapter six best time

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We save a kid but it was not fun at all. I went to do something else then save people. "Lexie watch out"! I fall down to the ground don't know what happened. Ace is handling a sword in his hand to protect me from some one or something from attack. Something came out of the woods and attack Ace. He was fighting with someone.

They were moving so fast that I can't see them. "Ace you care more about that girl then your life. I will kill you to get to the girl. My master said so and I have to obey". "Who are you and I will tell you the answer" said Ace. My name is Four and I will kill both of you.

"I will protect Lexie because she will be a princess so I must protect her even if it cost my life" said Ace. "She is not a princess here and you know that" said Four. "How you know she came from a different world and the text says so"? "Enough talk let fight" said Four.

I yelled so loudly that Ace could heard me and I said "I am not the princess that most people talking about. I'm just an ordinary girl who life in deffent world. I started to run deffent direction. "Lexie stop you need to stop"! "Give up Ace she can't hear you now. She to far away and I don't have to kill her. I have friends to do it". "I have to find Lexie".

I'm running, running, and running throw the forest and I can't stop. I hear something so I stop. I got my sword out. A person came out to attack me. I have to fight my away out so try to attack other person but the other person got some scratches on me and some have blood coming out.

I try to keep fighting but I passed out. I don't know what happened next. "Now you will die Lexie". "You are to slow. Carlie its been long time now". "Yes it is and how many years its been"? said Carlie. "Its been about two years" said Ace.

"Why do you went to kill Lexie for"? "I went to kill Lexie because she is the princess if she defeat the bosses. Ace you will never kill me. I have go so bye" said Carlie. "Lexie you will be just fine and hang in there.

If I get here little bit sooner I could end the fight. I'm sorry" said Ace. I woke up and try to movie around but my injuries are to painful to movie. I try to talk but stop me from talking and don't asked me how he just did. I'm in a house but I still can't see because I was still tired.

That was my first fight here and I think I did good. Thay was my best time for me.
I just hope I went lose my humanity. I hope that I go back home not a princess or something else. I get strand that. I just hope I will not lose my humanity.

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