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Millions of scents exist. Millions of creations and variations. Theresa explores them all.

I wander through the hallway of the perfume labour. Scent after scent fills my lungs, overwhelming my nose. I scrunch it and continue following Theresa. Her long golden blonde hair is fixed up in a claw clip as it swings with every step she takes. She turns around and faces me. Her light pink shirt makes her gorgeous blue eyes shine brighter than ever.

We couldn't be more different. With her complete opposite look of mine, it makes it hard to tell that we're sisters. She comes after our mom while I resemble our father.

I always looked at her as the brightest sunshine one could possibly need in their life. She outshines every starlight, every sun ray. Whenever I find myself trapped in a living nightmare holding me hostage in the darkest days, she clears up every bad thought of mine and fills me with the most powerful love I could ever ask for.

"..it's an actual disaster" Theresa stops talking and snaps her fingers at me. "Nora?"
My eyes return to hers and I hastily nod- "Yeah, sorry Tess" I lick my bottom lip as she starts talking again.

"I was saying I'm really anxious about you not finding any sponsors for me.. I appreciate you so much you know that Nora? Your help has been more than helpful. I just need the right sponsor and things will get better."

Watching her talk about her dream puts a wide smile on my face. I know how badly she wants this. She's in desperate need of some help financially, and as much as I help her, I myself have a business to run.

"I know Tess, I'm working on it. I haven't gotten any new clients either. It's all just not going the best right now. But I'm not giving up, we've come so far."

I step closer to her and lay my arms around her shoulders and give her a tight hug. Her arms naturally clasps around my torso and she rests her head against my shoulder. I can hear her releasing a deep breath, "Thank you Nora. I appreciate you so much." I give her a quick kiss on her head and let go of her embrace.

"Of course. Always Tess. I'll be heading to my office for lunch okay? I'll text you sis." She waves goodbye and I turn around walking towards the elevator.

As I exit the building I make my way to my car and check my phone. I still have an unread email but I decide not to answer it before eating dinner as I hear my stomach grumble. I start the engine and make my way to get some lunch.

Arriving at my office I plopp onto my chair and open my salad box as well as my laptop. I'm reminded of the unread email and click on it.

A new window pops up and I skim the email thoroughly. Words after Words sink into my mind, and if I happen to read that right— A request to hire me as a manager.

Rose tints my cheeks and the corner of my lips curl into a cheesy smile. Bingo. I finish my lunch and reply to the email, asking for a meeting.

My career has been dry for the past months. All clients of mine switch to Wilson. But I've got another chance to prove myself, to show off. Not after 10 minutes I almost immediately got a reply with the suggested time and location to meet up. Two hours from now in a nice café a little outside NYC. Checking my calendar I write a short reply confirming time and place. Only then I realise I haven't even looked at the name.

Nicolo Salvano

I look him up and find a lot of articles and the main website. Salvano Architectures. Unfamiliar name and business. As much research as I do I can't succeed in finding a picture of the actual person behind Salvano Architectures. Very unusual.

But I don't have time for doubting. I need to go through old folders until the clock strikes 3 p.m. This might be a perfect opportunity for me.

I look into the big mirror that's decorating the elevator wall, and fix my hair and apply some lip liner. Heat rushes through my body as the excitement settles in. I'm more excited than nervous, but I do feel some weird feeling in my knees.

Exiting the elevator I find my car in the parking lot and start the engine.

It takes me about 15 minutes to arrive at the café and I'm still 10 minutes early. As I exit the car I make an abrupt halt. How am I supposed to know if he's even here yet, I've never seen his face. A bit of uncertainty sweeps over me as I hesitantly walk towards the entrance.

I take in the scenery in front of me and look around the tables filled with guests. Mz eyes land on a tall man that rises from his chair. He nods and his lips press into a thin smile. I approach him and before I can even say anything he holds out his hand and introduces himself as Nicolo Salvano.

He guides me towards the chair across from him and helps me take off my coat. Before I even sit down he asks for a waiter that takes my order and before I know it I get an Iced cafe latte served.

„Thank you for taking your time Ms. Gray" his voice so deep and raspy fills my ears. I gulp the sip of coffee down and nod „Of course sir."

I spent the rest of the afternoon listening to his offer and plans as we come to an agreement.

„I don't have any contract papers with me as I thought you might be thinking about it or even come look at your workplace and take it all in before signing it. It's up to you, I could also send them off to you then they'll be there by tomorrow morning, or we can schedule another meeting for you to get a taste of my company." His eyes pierce into mine as our hues get lost in each other.

„That would be amazing. I'm almost always free, just send me the details."

„Oh don't worry, we can schedule it right now. How about tomorrow at 11 a.m? Would that fit into your day Ms. Gray?"

Opening my calendar I check and give my attention back to him. „That's perfect."

Something in his eyes changed and he looks even softer now. A tingly feeling spreads through my body and I swallow hard as his gaze captivates me. „I'm mailing you the directions, again— thank you for this meeting and listening to my offer, I'm looking forward to working with you Ms. Gray."

I blush and clear my throat „The pleasure is all mine."

He calls for a waiter and drops enough cash for both of our orders. Smiling, I thank him and he helps me put on my coat and walks me to my car. He opens my car door for me and briefly leans in. „See you tomorrow ma'am"

I blush once again and get into the car, closing the door and starting the engine. I pull out of the parking lot and watch his figure become smaller in the rearview.

sorry for the wait i woke up from my writing coma

Illicit Love © 2023 delicatewxnder

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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