22. You've Got Some Nerve

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Monday, November 14

Mackenzie, Rusty, Indy, Bluey and Jean-Luc were all walking to the Meeting Tree for lunch. Jack wasn't with them because he had 'homework' to finish up. 

"So, Mackenzie, when do you think we should tell our parents that we're dating?" Bluey questioned him as they walked. "Maybe soon, like a few more years." He muttered under his breath. "But Mackenzie, we can't wait that long!" Bluey screamed as Mackenzie covered his ears.  "Well, I just think we should wait a little longer. You know to see if things work out." Mackenzie hesitated. Bluey sighed, she felt like she needed to tell her parents but Mackenzie's opinion mattered too. She didn't want to get him in trouble if his parents found out. She didn't quite know what to do but she knew that there was no escaping it and she would have to tell them at some point.

"So, what should we do today?" Jean-Luc questioned the group, attempting to break the silence that Bluey and Mackenzie's conversation had caused. They all pondered for a moment as they sat down in their usual spots. "I think we should just sit and talk for a while, I don't feel like running around." Indy suggested. The group settled on Indy's idea and began building a conversation. "So, Bluey, what do you think Jack's hiding from us?" Rusty asked suspiciously. Bluey gave him a puzzled expression but still responded with "I don't think he's hiding anything from us Rusty. Why would Jack lie to us, we're his friends.". Rusty didn't like the answer much since she knew what Jack had done previously but Rusty was constantly getting answers like this, so he learned to not mind it and carried on. "Jack is really nice and honest, I highly doubt that he would be hiding something from us, honestly Rusty." Indy sighed as she took a bite of her food. "I definitely think that he would tell us if something were going on in his life, he tells us everything about himself. Even the fact that he still sleeps with stuffed animals every night!" Mackenzie added, giving Rusty a questioning look.

Rusty was beginning to get more and more aggravated by each statement. He felt the urge to lash out and hurt his friends until he heard "Rusty's starting to lose it again isn't he.". He stopped dead in his thoughts and clenched his hand into a tight fist. He couldn't resist the urge any longer so he stood up and he lost it. 

"Mackenzie, I thought I could fuckin trust you to believe me! You said you trusted me bitch! You dirty little liar." Rusty snarled as the rest of the group backed up giving him some space. "I said I trusted you, I didn't say I believed you, faggot!" Mackenzie growled, standing his ground. Rusty clenched his fists even tighter and threw one of them at Mackenzie who just barely dodged it.

The rest of the crowd backed away even further from the ongoing brawl so they didn't get caught up in it. 

Rusty kept darting punches at Mackenzie until he finally got him straight in the eye. He stumbled to the ground and Rusty took the advantage. He picked him up by the scruff of his neck and pulled him to face. "YOU FUCKIN CUNT!" Rusty barked as Mackenzie tried to break free from his tight grasp. Bluey abruptly ran up to battle and tried to punch Rusty in the face. He immediately slapped her hand away and he dropped Mackenzie to the dirt. There was now a brawl between Bluey and Rusty and it was clear that Rusty was dominating her. He took all the strength he had and punched Bluey straight in the muzzle knocking her down in front of the others. Jean-Luc stood up to her rescue and put himself in front of Bluey shielding her from Rusty's wrath. Rusty backed off and went back to Mackenzie kicking him while he was still on the ground. He then proceeded to pick him back up from the ground and throw him back down again this time kneeling down on his neck. Mackenzie struggled to breathe as Rusty drove his knee deeper into his throat. Jean-Luc jumped in to help and he pushed Rusty away from Mackenzie. He dragged him away from Rusty hoping that he would back down from the fight. He placed Mackenzie down beside Bluey who was currently groaning in the pain that Rusty had inflicted upon her as Indy watched in horror.

Rusty inhaled a deep breathe and fell to his knees. He looked down at his shaking hands coated in the blood of his friends. He proceeded to fall back onto his back and spread out his arms and legs allowing the sunlight to cover him in its warmth. It felt just as he remembered. He felt the waves of nostalgia wash upon him as he imagined the scenes of all the previous adventures he had had with his friends. It felt nice to reminisce but when he went to scratch the cut on his nose he felt the wetness of his hands that had been marinated in blood. He immediately removed his hand from his face and stared directly at it. There was enough blood on it to attract a million mosquitoes and there would still be leftovers. He gagged as he took a good solid look at it, still trying to get ahold of the reality of the situation. He let it sink in for a moment and then he sighed again. He stood up and walked over to Mackenzie's half carcass and kicked him in the crotch! He winced in pain as Rusty briskly walked away from the tragedy.

Mackenzie continued to struggle in his pain as the group surrounded him and Bluey doing their bests to help their friends. They bandaged them up and cleaned up their wounds while Rusty remained absent. The two were starting to recover from the injuries but they were still in quite a bit of pain and discomfort during the final two classes of the day while Rusty still had his open wound or two to show off. 

The final hours of the day were finally arriving as Mackenzie was lying wide awake in his bed. He was still thinking about the brawl that he had earlier. He felt like he could almost touch the scene. It seemed so real and lifelike that he had to stick out his hand in the air to try and grab it but it faded away too quickly. He held his hand steady in the air expecting it to return but all that was given to him was a cold hand from his fan. He drawled his hand back down inside the covers and slowly rolled to his side. He started to cry but he wasn't really crying, he was mainly just exhaling the pain and the crappy day he had. He continued to exhale for several minutes until he finally fell asleep and stopped worrying for once.

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