30. Return To School

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Monday, January 8

Bluey grabbed the small gift bags from her locker. She walked out of the large heavy doors with the gifts in one hand and her lunch in the other. She swiftly walked to the tree where they usually sat to see all of her friends already waiting for her.

"Hey Blues, got ya something." Mackenzie offered as Bluey sat down next to him. "Thanks! I got you something too!" Bluey beamed as they traded the gifts. Bluey quickly remembered that she got the rest of her friends presents as well so she quickly handed them their gifts and they gave her theirs. They all quickly thanked each other and opened them. "Thanks Bluey! How did you know I needed a new pair?" Rusty smiled as he put on the sun glasses. He was fully decked out with new attire, mainly from Indy. 

"Aww, thanks Blues, I love them!" Mackenzie thanked as he hugged his gifts. "No problem Kenzie, I thought you would like it, it reminded me of you." Bluey said sweetly as she admired the medium sized box in front of her, it was the gift from Mackenzie. It was laced with light blue ribbon and a beautifully tied bow. She slowly pulled off the laced ribbon to open the box and then pushed it aside so she could get to the inside. She slowly lifted off the lid to reveal a good portion of chocolates, a few pictures of herself and Mackenzie along with a heart shaped necklace. She picked up the little necklace and noticed that it had a two small hinges on the side. She slowly opened the gold necklace to see a small picture of her and Mackenzie and on the other side was a picture of her and all of her friends. "Awww, thanks Kenzie!" Bluey smiled as her eyes got a little bit watery. She put on the necklace and had a few chocolates, followed by more opening gifts and discussing about the holidays. 

Rusty had gone to the outback for a few days with his uncle and his older brother while his little sister and his Mum had some girl time. He had seen lots of wildlife and had practiced a lot of cricket. They all met up for Christmas and New Years, and had a fun time together playing games and telling stories.

Jack had a more relaxed holiday at his Aunt's house which was where he was staying for now. Lulu was always 'at the library or hanging out with friends' but Jack knew what she was really doing, being a slut as usual. Despite her age, she was a bad bitch with no respect for anyone. It was mainly just Jack and his Aunt for Christmas and New Year's so they tried to have the most fun they could.

Mackenzie went to New Zealand to visit his relatives who still lived there. He got to meet a lot of new family members and he has made a few friends with some of the neighborhood kids. He had a great time with his family and he had lots of stories to share.

Indy had more of a melancholy holiday with her Mum. She was still grieving over the loss of her child. She was glad that Rusty wasn't to effected by it once he had calmed down but Indy was still a little bit pissed off by him not caring. Her Christmas and New Year's was a quiet one with a few trips to the doctor to make sure that everything was right.

Jean-Luc also went on a holiday as well. He went back to Quebec to celebrate Carnaval with his family and old friends. He had a great time and brought back some real maple syrup for everyone to enjoy.

At last we reach Bluey, who had a very eventful time with all of her family. Her entire family had visited her, even the ones that she had rarely seen like her Aunt Brandy and Uncle Rad. 

Everyone's Holiday had been good ones even if they included some rough patches, but their memories were interrupted by the sound of other dogs talking and playing.

A few minutes later Rusty could hear his name being called from a distance. "Rusty! Rusty!" Chip and Lucky yelled as they held a flyer. "What?" The Kelpie asked. The fluffy coated Samoyed handed him the flyer. "You should try out! You're great at cricket!" Lucky encouraged as Rusty folded the flyer. Chip then handed him a permission form so Rusty could put it with the flyer. "I didn't know you liked cricket Rusty." Mackenzie told the Kelpie as he zipped up his lunch bag. "Ok yeah, it's my dream to become a professional cricket player!" Rusty elaborated. The group seemed rather interested in the subject, so Rusty kept talking about it until the bell sounded. 

Everyone had had a nice holiday and had learned a few new things about Rusty, including the fact that he wanted to be a professional cricket player. "I thought you were going to join the army like your dad." Jack told the Kelpie as they walked back to the grey and green school. "No, I want to choose my own path." He responded.

Blue and Black fur, a Bluey storyWhere stories live. Discover now