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~Time skip~

"I was falling? No that can't be right? How could I be falling?" Y/n thought before slowly opening her eyes.

When she opened her eyes she saw she was in fact falling.

But with her being an ninja she wasn't really worried. That's until she realized she was gonna be falling on someone's.. ship?

"Just what era I she come in? Oh god please don't be a stupid one like fighting demons.

Well maybe fighting demons would be fun. But it might get boring." Y/n's thoughts were quickly interrupted when she realized she would be landing soon.

Using chakra she would be able to not feel horrible damage. So being her she did that because pain sucks man. Well not pain the orange haired dude. He's pretty cool sometimes-


The pirates quickly gathered around what decided to pay them a little visit. Not expecting a human like who just flies into the sky and drops onto there ship?

"Lovely meeting you here. Uh cool pirates? I don't is this the pirate era?" Y/n said laying on her side trying to act like she didn't just fly down on there ship.

Everyone just stared in shock. How the fuck is she okay? That should've atleast made her pass out or something right?

"You guys should really invest in some softer wood man.." Y/n started, "like you never know when you're just gonna fall."

"Captain!" A man maybe woman called. I don't know seems like a man. I mean he's got long hair.

Just then a man with a scar on his face, and some tomato red hair walked out. Damn he looked fine.

"Sup' how are you?" Y/n said casually. You know like she didn't just fall into the ship, or anything.

That's normal right? I mean maybe in this world.

"Wait a damn minute where's Obito and Itachi? Did the stupid creature lie to her?" Y/n thought while she realized the red haired man started speaking.

Itachis pov-

"I was told I was gonna be sent to another world with y/n. But you would think I would get sent down with her. I mean like common since." Itachi thought while landing on the ground.

As soon as he was about to take a step he was surrounded by people who have a M on there hat? Maybe a cap. Who knows?

"Stop! In the name of the Marin-" the man got cut off as someone landed on him.


Oh it was obito. Well now we have obito but where the fuck is Y/n? Did she get teleported somewhere else? How the fuck am I expose to find her?

"Ah Itachi!! Do you know where y/n is??" Obito said getting off the man.

"No. It appears she might have been sent somewhere else. We have to try finding he-" itachi got cut off.

"Hold it right there! You are in the marines territory!" Another man in a cap/hat said pointing a gun at us.

"What's going on here?" A man said.

Itachi looked at him and saw he was pretty tall maybe over 6 ft? Well he has a sleeping mask on. Maybe the fall and the peoples yelling woke him up?

Heyy sorry for the long wait and the short chapter!!
555words :)

Have a good night/day yall

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