2. Running Man - November 2016

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It was a long, tiring day of filming. Lisa had just finshed showering and washing her face when she walked by Chaeyoung's room and saw that the door half closed. Lisa peeked inside and saw the strawberry blonde, laying face down, peacefully asleep.

Lisa couldn't resist. She crept inside, jumped into her bed and started tickling her. Chaeyoung squealed in surprise, trying to twist away.

"Stop!" Chaeyoung said, in between involuntary giggles. "Stop tickling me!"

Lisa just laughed and continued tickling until her fingers got tired. One of her favourite things to do was tickle Chaeyoung when she was half asleep. Her high pitched squeaks and squeals were so funny to her.

Eventually, she took mercy on Chaeyoung who was flopped over and out of breath.

"Ah so painful..." Chaeyoung groaned, her muscles aching from tensing so much.

"You went to bed too early anyways," Lisa said, cuddling up to Chaeyoung's back and lazily throwing her arm over her side.

For a moment, she was content to lay in bed beside her, freshly showered and in her pajamas, but after a while, Lisa's thoughts started drifting.


"Hmm?" Chaeyoung replied half asleep.

"Do you really think I do those things?"

"What things?"

"You know what," Lisa said, lightly pushing Chaeyoung's shoulder. "What you said in the Running Man game."

Earlier in the day, they were filming a Korean variety comedy show, playing a game where they had to ask questions to fluster the other player. With each point, a plastic pin would get removed from a yellow hard hat that held a bottle of water. The loser of the game would get their head doused in water.

Jisoo was paired against Chaeyoung. At first the questions were pretty tame, 'Why did you take so long in the bathroom yesterday?' '3 male YG idols you want to be close with?' but then...

"Jisoo, now you have to finish her," the host said.

"The reason why you fight with Lisa often?" Jisoo asked confidently.

Without hesitation, Chaeyoung waved her arms around and yelled out, "She ignores me, pretends to be cool, and talks mean to me!"

The whole set erupted in laughter. Even Jennie looked impressed, clapping her hands and saying, "Ohh..."

Lisa took it good-naturedly, laughing along with everyone else, and playfully falling over, but honestly she was a little shocked. Chaeyoung immediately went over to her and gave her a tight hug.

"I think she's too honest?" The host said.

"Do they really fight a lot?"

"No they don't."

"We're friends that's why we bicker," Chaeyoung explained, going back to her spot.

Chaeyoung eventually did lose against Jisoo, but she definitely didn't lose that round. Lisa couldn't stop thinking about it. They teased each other a lot and sometimes they fought, but the last thing Lisa ever wanted to do was hurt her feelings.

"Ignore you, pretend to be cool, say mean things," Lisa clarified, talking at Chaeyoung's back.

Chaeyoung turned over on her side and looked at her. "Lisa, it was for TV."

"I know, but did you mean it?"

"Well... Sometimes you do ignore me."

"No, I don't," Lisa said defensively.

"Fine, don't believe me," Chaeyoung huffed, turning back on to her side.

Lisa grabbed her shoulder to stop her. "Okay, okay," Lisa said, ducking her head so Chaeyoung would make make eye contact with her. "If I ever made you feel like that, or hurt your feelings... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Chaeyoung was surprised by the earnestness of her apology. "Lisa, don't worry about it... I'm sure I do the same things too."

No, you don't, Lisa thought. Except for the times she was annoying and being a perfectionist, Chaeyoung was pretty much always sweet.

"We're like sisters, we only fight because we are so close," Chaeyoung said, lightly stroking Lisa's cheeks, trying to smooth the pout off her face.

"You're right," Lisa agreed, stretching out on the bed. She yawned and felt her eyelids getting heavy. "I should probably go to my own bed."

Chaeyoung snuggled up closer. "Stay here tonight?" she asked quietly.

"You want me to?"

"Yeah after your tickle attack, you might as well be my human body pillow for the night."

"Haha, should I charge by the hour?"

"Shut up," Chaeyoung mumbled into the pillow, already falling asleep.

Lisa smiled and got under the covers. "Goodnight Rosie."

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