The Forgotten

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Natasha slowly brushed away the single tear that rolled down her paled cheek, it's been weeks since Clint was taken over by Loki. It broke her. It broke her to see him under that son of a bitch's command.

She stood after a moment as she loaded her gun and headed out to brief the agents about what was happening and where they were going.

Hours passed as the sky light faded into utter darkness as the stars were no where to be seen. Nat walked down the hall holding her gun in place, she stopped when she heard a noise, it sounding like breathing and then all of a sudden she found herself on the floor as she stared up at Clint,

"Hello agent!"

He said with a smirk as his eyes remained that sickening blue.

"You have to snap out of it Clint!"

Natasha said and broke out of his hold as she kicked him off of her and got on to her feet as he through a punch and she wiped the blood from her bottom lip before her gaze met his and she kicked his gut and then through a punch knocking him back as he regained his balance and chuckled while he cracked his knuckles,

"This is what I'm talking about"

He said and grinned as she clenched her jaw. Come on Natasha he's still in there someone where, she thought and as they began to fight one another. Partner against partner. Agent against agent.

Natasha looked at him as he kneeled on the floor and wiped the blood from his nose before he flipped her over his shoulder and pinned her down as he held her throat tightly with one hand and grabbed her gun,


Natasha said as she struggled to breath and gripped his hand trying to pry it away as he gritted his teeth and held the gun to her head,


He snapped as his flared and something behind them made Nat stop, she saw something which terrified her. The hatred he was poisoned with was horrific, she couldn't even see her partner anymore. Her Clint was gone, and as he was about to pull the trigger that's when he blacked out as Steve stood behind him and held a needle as he injected him in the neck and watched him pass out as Tony helped Nat, while Steve and Thor grabbed Clint and they headed back to base.

Hours passed, and soon enough so did days as things slowly began to get back to normal. Clint was going through recovery as they managed to get him back to his normal self but it pained to see the way Natasha would avoid him, he knew why and he couldn't blame her. But he needed her back, he needed Natasha to forgive him.

Clint slowly walked towards her in the hallway and quickly pinned her against the wall as she struggled,

"Let me go"

She hissed.

"No! We need to talk"

He demanded.

"Please just let me go.."

Natasha said as her eyes pleaded and she looked so broken down that it made his heart ache,


He began but she cut him off,


She said in a shaky voice.

"Don't you dare.."

Natasha said as tears began to roll down her face and he pulled her into his arms as she cried into his chest and held on to him tightly.

"Shh..I'm here, it's ok...I'm so sorry Natasha..I'm so sorry..I promise I will never leave you again.."

He whispered and stroked her hair back as she sobbed,

"I love you.."

Clint finally whispered into her ear as she slowly pulled away shocked.

"Y-you love me..?"

She said as he smiled softly and brushed away her tears gently as he cupped her face,

"Yeah I do.."

He said as she looked at him,

"I love you too.."

Natasha said before his lips captured her with his own. In that moment nothing mattered, that past faded away along with the haunting memories and the only thing that mattered was the future ahead of them.

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