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Peggy took a deep breath. They say after you loose someone important. You are suppose to move on and be strong. You are suppose to wake up and see the good in the world and the light in the sky. But fate has another way, you know? Sometimes fate has away of its own. Good or bad, it does. Choosing to be a agent. A hero. A captain.

It means you trust fate every hour. Every minute.
Every second that passes.

You just keep going.

You keep pushing threw no matter what happens and that's it. You don't give up. Giving up means throwing in the towel and quitting. Which means you are basically handing yourself over into deaths awaiting arms. Peggy never thought she would be the one in this situation.

You think about terrible things. Imagine yourself in them. Sometimes even create a plan. But once it happens to you. You just..go blank. Fear takes over and you always told yourself you'd be different. You wouldn't get scared,  you would be brave and guess what? You lie to yourself. Fill your mind with lies. You are just as scared as anyone else.

It's a natural reaction.

Peggy wasn't planning loosing Steve, no. It's been hard. She just couldn't always get up in the morning. But then that one day it happened. In a matter of second she was talking to him and then he was gone.

The plane had crashed.

"Miss Carter?" One of the men asked after they stopped filming her. She snapped out of her daze and flashed a smile, "Yes?" Peggy answered and stood up. "We are done" He said and she just gave a small nod before walking towards the window. Her eyes stared blankly at the beautiful view. It was an aching in her chest every time they made her speak of him. His name was a haunting reminder. His picture was forever an empty reflection of something she could never have.

// I will be working on a Stucky story. Making it into parts on here❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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