The Hate

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Despite the initial excitement of their relationship, Earth and Santa began to receive negative feedback from some of their fans due to their age gap. With Santa about to turn 18 and Earth being six years older, a few fans were unhappy with their relationship.

At first, Santa and Earth tried to ignore the hate comments they were receiving online. They both knew that they liked each other, and the age gap didn't matter to them. But as the hateful comments continued to pour in, it became harder and harder to ignore.

One night, as they sat together on the couch, scrolling through their social media feeds, Earth's phone beeped with yet another message from a hater. He let out a frustrated sigh and threw the phone down on the coffee table.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take," he said, his voice shaking with anger and hurt.Santa put his arm around Earth's shoulders, pulling him close. "I know it's tough, but we can't let them get to us. We have to focus on us and our work," he said, trying to reassure his partner.

"But it's not fair," Earth said, tears welling up in his eyes. "Why can't people just accept that we like each other?"

Santa didn't have an answer for that, but he knew that they couldn't let the hate win. They had fought so hard to find each other, and he wasn't about to let anyone tear them apart. They held each other tightly, finding comfort in each other's embrace.

During their trip to Korea, Santa and Earth had spent several days exploring the vibrant city of Seoul. They had visited museums, tried new foods, and even gone on a romantic night-time stroll through one of the city's parks.

One evening, as they sat together in their hotel room, Earth turned to Santa and took his hand.

"Santa, I need to tell you something," he said, his voice shaking slightly.

Santa felt his heart skip a beat. "What is it?" he asked, his eyes locked on Earth's. A little scared for what he would say.
"I love you, Santa. I've loved you since the moment I met you," Earth said, his eyes glistening with tears.

Santa felt a lump form in his throat as he realised that he felt the same way. "I love you too, Earth," he said, tears streaming down his own face.

They held each other tightly, both feeling overwhelmed with emotion. It was a moment that they would never forget, one that they would cherish for the rest of their lives.

For the remainder of their trip, they were inseparable, holding hands and stealing kisses whenever they could. They had finally found the love that they had been searching for, and they were determined to never let it go.

However, as time passed, the online hate only seemed to get worse. The comments on their videos and photos became increasingly hostile and hurtful. Some fans accused Earth of being a predator, while others called their relationship immoral and disgusting.

As the hate comments continued to pour in, Santa and Earth began to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. They had always known that being in a public relationship would come with challenges, but they hadn't anticipated the level of scrutiny and criticism they were facing.Despite the support of their friends and family, the hate took a toll on their mental health. They began to question their relationship and wondered if they were doing something wrong.

One day, as they sat together in Earth's condo, they both knew that they needed to have a difficult conversation.
"Santa, I think we need to take a break from being so public with our relationship," Earth said, his voice filled with sadness.

Santa's heart sank. "What do you mean?" he asked, dreading the answer.

"I mean that we need to stop posting so many photos and videos of us together. Maybe we should even take a break from going out in public together for a while," Earth said, his eyes filled with tears.

Santa felt a lump form in his throat. He knew that Earth was right, but it still hurt to hear. "But why? I don't want to hide our love," he said, his voice trembling.

"I don't either, but the hate comments are getting too much. We need to take a step back and focus on our love without the whole world watching us," Earth said, his voice breaking. "You have to think about your career. It could affect so much and I don't want that to happen to you."

Santa nodded, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. He knew that Earth was trying to protect him, but it still hurt to think about keeping their love a secret. They held each other tightly, both feeling a sense of loss and sadness. The decision to hide would always be difficult, but Earth couldn't risk Santa's career.

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