Between Worlds

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While Earth was escaping in Korea, Santa remained in Thailand, navigating his own path of self-discovery and growth. The void left by Earth's absence was palpable, and Santa found himself grappling with a mix of emotions as he tried to forge his own identity.

In the wake of their decision to keep their distance, Santa immersed himself in his work, pouring his heart and soul into his acting craft. He took on new projects, pushing the boundaries of his abilities and exploring diverse roles. With each character he portrayed, Santa discovered new facets of himself, delving deep into the depths of his emotions.

Yet, despite the professional successes he achieved, Santa couldn't escape the ache in his heart. Thoughts of Earth haunted him, their shared moments echoing through his mind like a bittersweet melody. The photographs of them together, tucked away in a hidden corner of his apartment, served as a constant reminder of the love they had once shared.

In the absence of Earth's presence, Santa turned to social media as a means of connecting with their fans, sharing glimpses of his life and passions. He would go live on Instagram, engaging with his followers and allowing them to catch a glimpse of his world. But deep down, he was hoping that he would see Earth's username. He was looking for a sign that Earth still cared, even though it felt like when he was at his worst, Earth abandoned him.

He longed for the connection he had lost—the effortless chemistry, the unspoken understanding, and the love that had bound them together.

As the days turned into weeks, Santa found himself dreaming of Earth's companionship, even if it was only through the pixelated screen of a smartphone. Santa saw the pictures Earth posted and could almost hear his laughter, and feel the comfort of his embrace. Santa wondered if he should let him go, he seemed happy enough without him.

But, the pining for his love became a constant ache within him. He questioned whether the decision to keep their relationship hidden from the public eye had been the right choice, as the price they paid seemed to outweigh the benefits.

With every passing day, Santa's heart grew heavier, his desire to reach out to Earth intensifying. Yet, he hesitated, fearing the potential repercussions and the uncertainty that lay ahead. The internal battle raged on, torn between the memories of their love and the fear of further heartbreak.

In the quiet moments of solitude, Santa often found himself lost in contemplation. He would sit by the window, gazing at the night sky, hoping to find solace among the twinkling stars. His thoughts drifted to Earth, wondering if he too was searching for answers.

Staring into the same moon they could only think of each other. Thinking of the past. Contemplating their futures.

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