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Please enjoy this chapter!

And excuse any misspelling and typos!


Brandon's POV

"Sasha!" I called out from the kitchen, waiting for her to walk into the kitchen. I was cooking breakfast for Dime and I. As I flipped over the pancakes on the pan, Sasha had walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, Mr.B?" she asked. Placing the spatula on the counter, I turned around and smiled.

"Could you please go wake up Diamond and have her meet me in the kitchen in 30 minutes?" I asked her, she nodded her head and turned around and made her way out of the kitchen. I turned back to the stove and grabbed the spatula and took the pancakes off the skillet and placed them each on a plate.

I placed some sliced up strawberries and bananas neatly on the side, before placing some crumbled eggs in the empty place on the plate.

Grabbing the plate I placed them on the island, then turned to grab some glasses out of the cabinet. I placed them next to the plates and turned to grab the bottle of champagne and the bottle of orange juice out of the fridge.

After filling the glasses, I sat down and waited for Diamond to come down stairs. A few minutes went by before, I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

In walked Diamond, with a fresh bare face and high bun. She wore a comfortable over-sized shirt and tan biker shorts with high ankle socks.

I smiled as her eyes landed on me.

"Goodmorning, Sunshine. I made breakfast." I greeted her as I gestured to the empty seat next to me.

"Come on."

She smiled and nodded her head, before walking across the kitchen to sit next to me. She took a deep breath before taking a look at her plate before softly smiling.

"Thanks Daddy. You always make the best food." Dime complimented before digging in to her own plate. I grabbed my glass and took a sip of my mimosa before, cutting into my pancakes as well.

"How'd you sleep, princess?" I asked, between each bite. She wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin before speaking.

"I slept well, the bed was extremely comfortable. How about you?" She asked back, before taking another bite from her plate. I cleared my throat, "I slept good. Especially since I got my all my work done for my class done. It stressed me out."

Dime softly giggled as she chewed. Before I could say anything else, Sasha came into the kitchen with my phone in her hand.

"Mr.B, you have a call." Sasha spoke, I placed my fork down before wiping my hands and getting up from my seat. Walking up to Sasha, she handed my phone to me. I grabbed it and looked at the screen to see an unknown number on the screen.

"I'll be right back." I spoke over my shoulder to Dime. She nodded her head as she continued to chew her food.

I placed the phone up to my ear and spoke.

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