In the Hotel Room - jotakak

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Kakyoin and Jotaro.

"I'm gonna cook noodles. Would you like some?"

Kakyoin's question broke the silence that had permeated in the hotel room. Jotaro eyed Kakyoin from his left shoulder, he was kind of startled from the sudden question.

"Sure. I'll have some." Jotaro replied in his usual calm and cold tone. Kakyoin nodded as he turned on the stove. Jotaro watched as Kakyoin opened the ramen packs, and placed them in the boiling water.

Throughout the noodle cooking session of Kakyoin, a question roamed around Jotaro's mind.

"Would Kakyoin eat cherries with his noodles?"

The question remained in his mind as he thought more about it, not considering the fact that Kakyoin might have finished his noodle cooking session.

As Kakyoin placed the pit on the table, he realized that Jotaro was staring into the floor. Kakyoin squinted his eyes to observe Jotaro's glaring, was he okay?

Kakyoin didn't mind though. He poured the noodles into a sieve, and placed them equally on two seperate plates. During this time, Jotaro was still thinking about his ultimate question. Would he?

Kakyoin handed the plate over to Jotaro, who didn't even flinch. Kakyoin and the noodle plate exchanged glares, what was wrong with Jotaro?

"Oi, Jotaro. You okay?" Kakyoin asked, causing Jotaro to finally lift his head from his deep thinking session.
"O-oh... yeah. I'm alright."

Though it was a simple answer, Kakyoin was shocked.

Did he just stutter!!??

Jotaro realized the bowl on the table and reached out to it. "Thank you Kakyoin." Jotaro spoke as he started eating.

Kakyoin was still stunned, but ignored the fact that Jotaro stuttered and went on with his meal.

As the two ate their plates, silence filled the room. They both finished and washed their plates, and of course they fought on who should wash them. Later, they settled down and watched T.V. Where only one of them was actually focused on the T.V.

"Hey Jotaro, why where you dozed off a few moments ago?" Kakyoin turned his attention to Jotaro, who was adly disturbed by the question.

"Oh. Uh. I was... thinking about... something."
Jotaro then began to sweat.

"Oh. Well, if you don't mind me asking. What were you thinking about?"

Now, Jotaro began to panic.

"Well. I was uhm..
Thinking if... you would eat cherries with almost anything... including noodles." Jotaro felt a little embarassed by the answer, but it was the truth. And he was still awaiting an answer.

But all he got was a chuckle.

"Of course not. I like eating them with desserts mostly, but a cherry after a meal is the most satisfying." Now Jotaro couldn't show it, but he was relieved. He believed it to be an answer to a universal question.

"Thanks man. I had no idea."
Jotaro chuckled. In his mind, his usual catchphrase.
Kakyoin sat closer and rested his head on Jotaro's shoulder, surprised that he didn't mind.

And they both watched cheesy T.V sitcoms. Together.


Sup yall! Hope you guys enjoyed! This wasn't edited.

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