A Broken Beginning

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"Mommy? Daddy?" You yelled desperately as you went to find your parents. You were sleeping and you smelt smoke so you decided to leave your room to see what was going on. But as you headed downstairs you could see a big burst of flames coming from the kitchen and raced down the stairs and crawled under the smoke to see your parents unconscious and was terrified to see if you're parents were dead. You quickly crawled over to your parents and shook their shoulders in an attempt to wake them up. "Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! We have to go!" You yelled coughing before breaking down crying. You tried to leave but the front door was locked so you couldn't open the door and it was too dark and smokey to see the lock. But as you were about to give up you heard a voice coming from the front door. "Hello? Is anyone here?" The voice yelled through the heavy smoke as you sniffed. The smoke was too thick for you to yell for help so you just coughed to guide the helpful voice to where you were in the burning house. Before you knew it you were outside your burning house with one of the perimetric with an oxygen mask on you. You were more scared about losing your parents. But when you made your way to the hospital you broke down into tears when you found out that your parents in fact suffocated in the smoke before you came downstairs because the lock was jammed. You had to live in an orphanage because of your parents death and from that day forward you life changed forever.

A Broken GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang