Hevean Turns Into Hell

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That afternoon you met your future husband and already you saw that he didn't like you. Sure you were beautiful but he clearly didn't want anything to do with you. But since this was an arranged relationship he didn't have a choice. When you met your new boyfriend you also met his father which was Jon aka the man you saw that morning. "Miss Y/N, this is my son Aden. Aden, this is your future wife Y/N. We'll leave you alone for a while to talk and get to know each other. Have fun!" Jon said as he left the room and Aden just sighed. "Listen here Y/N, I only agreed to this because I had no choice. Just because we're dating doesn't mean I'll love you. So you better listen to me otherwise I'll make your life a living hell. Got it?" Aden asked as you nodded your head terrified about what Aden could do to you. "Good, now come here." Aden said as you were pulled into a kiss by Aden as your parents walked in. "I see you're getting along! We'll let you guys go to Prom." Your mom said as Jon smiled brightly. "I'll get Y/N the best dress ever!" Jon said as you were pulled into your room by Aden and he sighed. "Tell anyone about what I told you before and I'll make sure you suffer. Got it?" Aden said as you nodded your head scared before Aden left your room and went home. "So, do you like him baby?" Your mom asked as you smiled weakly as you answered with a lie. "Yeah mom. I like him!" You said before she smiled. "That's good baby. You can leave now." Your mom said as you went to your room and played "The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe" wishing that The Narrator was real and could save you from your horrible relationship with Aden.

A Broken GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ