The Truth Behind The Angles

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A few years later you woke up and decided to make breakfast for your parents to give the cooks a break but when you made your way to the kitchen you saw your parents talking with someone you didn't know and hid behind the door to listen in to their conversation. "You have a beautiful daughter!" The unknown man said making you flustered. "Thank you sir! We specifically adopted her for her beauty that way the person we marry her off with will fall for her instantly!" Your mom said making your stomach turn. "Marry me off with? I'm 13! Why do they want me to get married at such a young age?" You thought as you snuck into the kitchen and hid in a secret cupboard that only you knew about to hear more about what your parents were talking about. "You're right about that Janie! *Your adopted mom's name* My son will fall for her beauty as soon as they meet this afternoon!" The man said making your stomach turn again. You didn't even know this man and he's already tried to marry you off to his son! You had a bad feeling about what was in your future and saw your dad smile. "Yup! Y/N will marry him when she turns 18! That way she's comfortable around him!" Your dad said as the man smiled. "That's a great idea Jacob! *Your adopted dad's name* Your daughter and my son will keep our family business running for years to come! Let's just hope my son likes her!" The man said as he got ready to leave. "Well see you later Jon! *The mystery man's name* See you this afternoon!"  Your dad said as you came out of hiding with a betrayed look in your eyes. "Oh hi Y/N! How did you sleep?" Your mom said before you started tearing up. "So you adopted me just because of my looks? And for what? To marry me off with some boy I don't even know?!" You asked in a hurt tone as your parents realized that you were there for the whole conversation. "Well sweetie, our families have been doing this for centuries. We're sorry for not telling you about this sweetie." Your dad said as you sighed. "I'm just going to go to school." You said as you left your house and got onto the bus. As you were heading to school you thought of how your life would be married to someone that you don't even know nor like and started to worry about your future.

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