Chapter One

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At least that's what I should have done. My eyes scanned for them while on the bus. I saw them or I think I did but I couldn't bring myself to knock on the window or even get off the bus. The belief in fate and destiny no longer runs in my veins. Thank you Handsome Stranger for the kindness today - perhaps in another universe we would leap into each other's arms unafraid of the concept of 'love at first sight.'

Weeks had passed but I couldn't stop thinking about that encounter with the handsome stranger and how they managed to stop time and space for a moment. I wonder if they felt the same if I had made an impression on them at all? It's hard to tell. While lost in thought I hadn't realized my boss was standing at my desk...or more so glaring at me. Why does he always catch me when I'm daydreaming? He drops a piece of paper onto my desk. He walks away - hello to you as well, I roll my eyes and read what is printed on the page.

"ART GALLERY OPEN HOUSE" was written in bold letters. I scan the paper for more information. It was my job to organize the event, apart from the music and catering - that had already been pre-approved and selected - the event was in three weeks. Three weeks...this happens all the time. The last event I pulled together with such short notice was a huge success, hopefully, I can do that again. You may ask why I don't prepare earlier if I know it is going to happen? The boss withholds all information from me - including which works will be displayed making it impossible to plan.
Since the works being displayed were 16th century Renaissance paintings, a masquerade theme was a natural fit. If my history degree had taught me anything...historians love the accuracy of a costume party. I begin to jot down ideas within my notebook and while the short notice is stressful, I do enjoy throwing these events, especially since my boss could care less as long as we have a large turnout. First things first invite must be done and luckily for me the gallery always puts on a famous and well-attended event this day every year. Meaning people keep this day open and also expect short notice before the actual event - they call it charm but I call it a pain in my ass. There's even a discourse among most members, guessing what the event could be. I'm sure these historians and art lovers have a hidden mask in their collection or closet somewhere.

My mind wanders into a fantasy. It's just a thought.
It's the night of the masquerade ball, which ended up being named 'SONG FOR MY JULIETTE' since the paintings were representations of love. The ball was mimicking those paintings, it almost felt as if you had stepped inside one of them. The decor, the costumes, the atmosphere was alive through the strokes of colour. In awe of this all, I find myself bumping into a Masked Man. We laugh. We dance. We laugh some more. We gaze. One final dance is to happen, time and space seem to have vanished ( that handsome stranger's smile.) our dance seems to exist only in the presence of the stars. And The Moon. Time truly stands still...I really should get back to work. I would be too busy with the event that I wouldn't even grab a chance to even dance once but I do get to dress up, I will take it. I continue to work on event planning, making sure every detail is worthy of the boss. My ideas are good yet he likes to take all the credit because technically that is his job. I was hired as a research assistant but I feel more like a secretary. When is he going to retire? He doesn't even like art...well not anymore at least. I dropped off the proposal since the boss left early for a meeting. I grab my bag and coat and head home. I feel exhausted today. Those types of proposals, even though they can be fun, take up so much time - and the expectation of quality causes headaches often. The independence of a young single person is thrilling, welcomed, fruitful and exhausting. Growing pains are what I call those days and on those exhausting days sometimes I wish for someone to at least cook dinner and wash the dishes not because I made them but because they care about me.

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