Chapter Five

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The holidays had passed and I had arrived at the office for the start of a new and hopefully good year. Our new boss seemed to understand how things were not run correctly by our previous boss and began to make changes, including giving me research assistant duties. Finally, Everyone seemed a lot happier and calmer around the office space - I felt my shoulders lift the weight of wasted opportunities. Today however, the day seemed to drag on and on since I was meeting up with JongHyun for coffee at the end of my shift. We hadn't spoken much since Christmas Eve, I'm not sure how you could speak after that day. Magic can be intense and intimidating - sometimes you need space to breathe.

The clock struck five pm, a painful needlepoint in the day had finally come to closure. It was time to go. Some colleagues stopped me to chat about some upcoming projects. I hoped JongHyun would not be waiting too long, I always felt bad if I was late to an arrangement but work always had its obstacles to get through in order to actually leave the building.

I dipped and ducked my way out of the building and finally headed towards the cafe to meet up with JongHyun. The air at this time of the year was brisk, calling for sweaters and warm drinks to fill the ache for warmth. We seem to arrive at the same time, bumping into each other outside, we laugh. After Ordering our drinks we settle down into our seats. I hadn't had the opportunity to sit down in front of JongHyun directly yet, so I couldn't help but stare at them. I notice a familiar ring around their's the one from the arcade. A smile forms without my permission.

JongHyun catches my eye and smiles at me.

They tug at the ring on a chain to dangle it more towards my eye level.

"It's too small, it's the only way I could wear it."

They gently place it back within their open collared shirt, which exposed some of their chest. I notice a prominent freckle in between their collar bones.

"I am honestly surprised to see you wearing it." . Really I was. But I was also really touched.

"Of course. It's from you." They lean their head on their palm and give a gentle stare before sipping on their drink.

A soft and warm melody began to play in my heart, I really felt safe with Jonghyun.

"I did, however, get you something else for Christmas..." I say while picking up my bag. I am not sure what compelled me to do this for them but it felt right.

I handed them a small box that I tried my best to wrap nicely, I tried okay? Thet inspected the package, I saw them stifle a smile; a laugh was forming at Jonghyun's lips and I saw them mouth to themselves, " how cute." They unwrap the gift, piece by piece literally. The discarded pieces of wrapping fell onto the table like snow. Under the wrapping was a small box... Jonghyun looked intrigued. They looked up at me before opening up the small box, a small act of acknowledgment of my presence making sunshine run through my veins. Jonghyun opens the box to reveal a pearl aqua mp3 player with matching headphones.

"I put songs on there that I thought you would like.." I rub my arm out of shyness. I really just thought they would like something like that.

JongHyun gently secures the lid back onto the box, " I can not wait to listen to this. i -i'm really touched."

We both smile at each other, shining like the Moon and Sun. For the remainder of our time in the coffee shop - something was happening around us that only we could see, but could not explain at that very moment. It flowed through our conversations, never skipping a beat - the exchange of two individuals who felt at home with each other but we weren't sure that was happening until well...who knows?

I saw the Moon differently that day.

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