Chapter Nine

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Full Moon.

Checking my watch it was almost time for JongHyun to pick me up - 1:50pm so close. I peek out of the apartment lobby's doors, waiting for that petite blue car to show up.

1:51pm - waiting.

1:52pm - waiting.

1:53pm -waiting.

1:54 - he's here.


My phone dials its assigned tune to Jonghyun's number - " I'm here."

And I'm so glad you are, I think to myself. I exit my apartment building and head towards his car.

He pops out of the driver's side.

" You spoiled my dream of coming to knock at your door," he teased, "at least let me open the car door for you."

He came around to my side of the car, his blue suit glowed in the afternoon sun - it felt like trumpets were playing in my ears. He looked divine. If he smiles at me I might just explode.

"Ah, you are shining in this sunlight" he says while opening my door. That's worse than a smile - my entire body wants to explode from one simple synchronized compliment.

"Ready for the two hour trip to the wedding. "

"Oh. I have THE mix to get us ready for this wedding." He smirks.

JongHyun pressed play on his phone and At The River - Groove Armada played - a song that I had put on his MP3 player for Christmas. I notice his shirt is unbuttoned, revealing his chest...and a small child's moon ring laid gently on it...with that saucy freckle right. in. the. middle. I can't help but smile and stare. I don't care if I get caught, I want to get caught.

"I'm wearing it to keep me safe tonight, it's proven to be a powerful ring."

"What can I gifts are special."

We spend the ride to the wedding catching up in between moments of singing together in the car - JongHyun talked about his trip back to South Korea and the way he described the land, the food and the interesting stories from his visits there - it made me want to project myself into that time and space so I could feel closer to him - he made me ache for a place I had never been too. He really does have a way with words you know? It seemed like their fans were happy to see them playing more shows - he had sent me some videos of the concerts and they were so alive on stage. The trip flew by and soon we arrived at the venue which on the invitation said Chapel but looked like a modernist take on the concept of a chapel and it was huge. Jane did always say she'd put on a rager...I guess she got her wish. At least they had put in a pretty garden next to it - I guess for outdoor weddings. That would be cute. JongHyun parks the car and goes to leave but I grab his arm beforehand, surprising him with this touch.

"Ah - wait first I-I have something to give to you..." I reach inside of my pocket and pull out a small blue box wrapped with a ribbon.

He takes it and smiles, " what is this? Did you miss me this much?"

" Open it." I push the gift more towards him.

JongHyun unwraps the box revealing a pair of cufflinks - a sun and a moon. He looks up to me and I swear I see the moon in front of me, his smile was so bright.

" Oh oh oh...these are-" he fumbles in his pocket, "here!" He placed a box in my own hands. "These are beautiful by the way."

I open the box - a pair of earrings lay in front of me - a moon and sun. Our gifts were -

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