Started A Spider

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Smoosh the guts go splattered on a ceiling
I hope it didn't scare you and have you start screaming
Spider guts left on the ceiling
Oh my forget about bleeding
There's a spider smooshed on the ceiling
Guts splattered hearts conceiving
From that smooshed spider on the ceiling
Now that idea has set my mind reeling
About that poor spider on the ceiling
Like a hearts smooshed that stopped beating
Power spider on the ceiling
I hope it found a quick demise
Smooshed it quick in a one time
Smack by the sounds of it
On the ceiling smooshed to bits
I can even picture it
Guts and legs smooshed flat straight
Did it start singing to you?
Is that why you smooshed it too
Scared you as it started to crawl
So you smooshed it, instead of fall
Down from a web now, now smooshed the neb
Not a chance to spin a web
Happy day for the mosquitoes
Spider passed now feast like your a burrito
Spiders catch those pesky mosquitoes
There's just one little bit of the eco system
We need bees too we need to listen
They pollinate, flowers glisten
Giving us all of our fruits
We need the honey bee's and flowers shoot
I'm not saying they are endangerd
We don't need them to become strangers
American badger is first on the list I found
They are swimmers they aren't hounds
They eat small birds, rodents and eggs
Like me sleep during the days
Urbanization they need their habitat
They need special ones not like a rat
Eastern cougar what a cat
I don't need to mention much more than that
Beautiful and magestic, they are gorgeous and fantastic
Again more on habitat
Man takes more that's sad facts
Again and again I read the stats
Grizzly bear habitats
I'm getting tired of reading the facts
Without even calling them by their name, let's free willy guess more hunted insane
I have seen one Great Blue Heron
Wingspan so long thought I could of been a moron
Someone prayed for me to see that Great Blue Heron

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