Endangerd Speices

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I'd like to talk about real animals here
How they are engaged and we should fear
Of them becoming no more
No more hunts, no more scores
In this poem I have one aim
To do my best to try and name
All the north American endangered animals on the list I found
Here it goes heaven bound starts with the
American eel to start off
They swim in water that's their loft
Canadain warbler is a bird
Deforestation sounds absurd
Here is Barids Sparrow
Another being shot down with humans arrow
Not hunted like that
More deforestation for human habitat
Eastern Cobra now there's a snake do I need to read or think its not the earth quakes that are killing this poor thing
It's not nature, a form of man pain brings
Black swallow I had to chuckle
I'm a kid at heart middle back seat no buckle
Ok pause honor my friend I lost from that exact reason
Always wear your seat buckle it's not for please'n
Barn swallow and the Black Footed Ferret
Another two that are on it
Ord's a Kangaroo Rat not close to Blandings Turtles or where they sat
The Bobolink sounds more like the clown
But again makes me frown
As you see this list continue
Better get out some more tissues
That's a bird that's being taken out
Buff-Breast Sandpiper illscream and shout
Oh man not Peary Caribou
Let's get another tissue
Nor being eaten by the porbeagle shark
Over fishing is that part
Burrowing Owl and the whooping crane
The list continues I go insane
Wolverine Eastern Pop, Collared Pika, call a cop
No those conservation people
Keep these animals away from steeples
Oh my gosh I want a Marmot to chill with and smoke pot
I can even be like a Common Nighthawk
Even the Chinook Salmon and sculpin
That's a different fruit to ripen
Ferruginous hawk and the Grey fox
Another close to being in that same box
Greater -Sage Grouse and Louisiana waterthrush are different birds in the same bushfire of a mess
The more I write, anger to confess
Honored Grebe and the king Rail
Are being smooshed like a snail
Lake Sturgeon and the Norwhal
Are on the list, a Red Knot
I won't miss
Olive Clubtail Dragon Fly
Another one to say goodbye
Piping Plover or Rusty Blackbird
Sei Whale and Woodland Caribou can find their herds
That's all the ones I have found at this current time
If I find more I'll add a line
Just want to bring awareness to these guys here
Hope this poem didn't have you shed a tear

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