Still Sad

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Even at such a level
I feel like I'm off a bevel
Nothing breaks these chains that bond
I grip my head feeling conned
Of the life I have and had before
Life echos sea's have have swords
So I break them like electric cords
Focusing on what's in store
For I speak in specks, speak in lore
Can spin tales of nights and dragons
Or summon of old tales of some cannons
About how archers use arrows
To shoot even the smallest of sparrows
Maybe of a card game of life
How the queen can cause strife
Maybe that was one and the same
Why not talk of Able and Kane
Ok let's better not
Many wars started, many shot
In the name of a lord or God
Even ancient rulers had their lods
Great populations in numbers high
Worshiped gods of watr or sun in the sky
Or share stores of a witches brew
Or I love Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh
I wrote a whole poem about them two
And the whole gang
How Rabbit talks, and Eore sang
Let's talk about a Fable
About wait, that game was stable
See how I just turned quick on the turntable?
Or we can talk about lovers and soul mates
How some can twist, and turn one's fate
I don't think I am that late
Only now my heart won't wait
Too much damage has been done
In no one I could trust life's been sung
Even after a fool I was
Poor me I heard that is because
I was and have been more then sad
About many things more than just a family or when I was a lad
How's that for a sad story for me to write
I hope this will encourage to help others fight
I hate to be write, about this one thing
But feel it in my heart mucules sing
Believe it or not don't regret much other than one thing
And that's between me and my king
Love and care for everyone
Believe in those words for now thier done

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