Chapter 2

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"I am going to kill that shit face." Isabelle vowed as she paced her room.

"Izzy, please don't." I said, staring at her ceiling. Isabelle Weston is my best friend in the entire world. Her mother, Charlie, babysat me when we were two years old. Just a year after my mother abandoned me. Daniel and Charlotte have been my extended family ever since. Charlie has been there for all of my lady problems and Daniel has been my dad when my father wasn't around.

"Why not, he's an ass who knocked you up! Instead of trying to make amends with you, he's trying to salvage his relationship with Mickayla." Izzy said, joining me on her bed. "Does he even know that you... like him?" I groaned at her suggestion. That was the other reason Derek and I hated each other. I'm in a one-sided relationship with a guy who's in love with a slut.

"No, he doesn't. I want to keep it that way as long as he's still with Mickayla." I said. "And don't you dare get Liam or Avery to persuade him. If he wants to be with me, he needs to come to that realization himself." Liam and Avery are Isabelle's older brother and younger sister. I adored them as much as I adored the other two Montgomery boys.

"You're still sleeping over, right?" Isabelle asked as she turned her head towards the basement window. Yes, her bedroom was in the basement as was Liam's separated by a wall and a door. On the second floor, Avery, Daniel and Charlotte had their own rooms and one guest room.

"Hell yes, why would you ask again? We talked about this at school yesterday." I said, placing my hands over my flat stomach.

"Liam apparently invited Derek to spend the weekend." She said, pointing to the two pairs of shoes passing the window. I groaned loudly. I just wanted a weekend away from him. "If this is going to be a problem, I can tell Liam to go to his house."

"No, it's fine. I see his face twenty-four seven as it is." I said, getting off her bed. "I want to go tell Charlie about baby Montgomery."

"Why don't you call it baby Grant. Unless Derek plans on proposing to you, it's Baby Grant." Isabelle said from her bed. I nodded faintly as I left the room and went upstairs. It was a baby Grant inside me. I already love the little peanut sized thing inside me. As I jogged up the stairs, Derek and Liam entered the busy kitchen. Daniel was sitting at the kitchen table with Avery, doing homework that's due Monday while Charlie was preparing dinner. I quickly looked away from Derek and headed over to Charlie.

"Charlie, I need to tell you something. In private, please." I whispered, touching her arm. Charlie looked at me and nodded, taking my hand and instructing her husband to watch the stove. Charlie pulled me into the living room and sat us down on the couch.

"Sweetie, what's up?" She asked, reaching out to stroke my hair. I looked down and picked at the hem of my shirt. How was I going to tell her? She is practically my mother. I always found myself coming to her for comfort. With life altering secrets when I was eleven years old. Now I am at a loss for words.

"I—I'm pregnant." I whispered shakily. "It was an accident, Charlie; I never planned to get pregnant. It was a drunken decision—"

"Shh," She whispered, cutting me off. Charlie pulled me into her lap and held me close. I felt like I was five years old again, crying into her neck because I had a nightmare or missed my mom. "Do you know who the father is?" She asked calmly.

"Derek Montgomery." I whispered into her neck. I felt my body tremble after uttering his name. Charlie knew about my crush for Derek. She knew how hard it was, watching him destroy himself for Mickayla. I was always too nervous to tell him my real feelings. "He knows, Charlie, about the baby."

"Is he still with Mickayla?" She asked as she stroked my hair. I nodded. As of now, they were not broken up. Mickayla was giving him his last chance, again. "Sweetie, what are you going to do?"

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