Chapter 4 & Announcement

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Hello Readers!

Thank you for putting up with my absence on this project. I began this series ten years ago when I was just a baby, and I 1000% believe this could be better. For this reason, I am re-writing all published and unpublished books in this series. This is the very first series I began as a sophomore in high school, shortly after losing my beloved grandfather. Writing, among other things, brings me joy. But this series as it stands, full of plotholes and poorly written, does not bring me joy. We all grow as readers and writers, and this is me growing. It will take me some time, as I have a fulltime job and am battling a rather difficult bout of anxiety and seasonal depression (thank goodness the sun is back!). Thank you for your patience! Catch you on the flip side! For now, please enjoy the last bit I have written on this current series!

Lots of Love <3



To say the least, things did not get easier from then on. I found myself spending a lot of time either at the Moore house or the LeBlanc house. Derek had yet to handle his personal life, and I really didn't want to be around when he did. While I hoped that he chose us, I was terrified that he would. I was terrified that things wouldn't work out between us and the kids would be caught in the middle of it. I didn't want that for them. It wouldn't be fair to them. I didn't want to be like my parents.

I laid on the couch in Izzy's basement, my feet in her lap. Liam, Will and Wiloma were with us, just cramming in our AP assignments before Christmas break was upon us. I sure as hell was taking that break seriously. My beans were now little raspberries, and literally draining all energy from me. I just wanted to rest. Like all the time. I was reading Moby Dick, god love AP Lit, so that Izzy and I could write our analysis' later. We took turns reading the books because honestly, they weren't always the most exciting things to read. Willa looked up at me from the floor and smiled.

"Have you figured out names yet?" Willa asked, setting aside her AP Chemistry work. I placed the book on my chest and looked at my friend. I think she was more excited about the baby than I was sometimes.

"Not really. I mean, I have some names in mind, but I haven't told Derek yet." I placed my hand over my stomach.

"What are your top names?" Liam asked. Izzy placed her hand over mine, chewing on her lip. We talked about everything.

"I know I don't know the genders, but I love the names Jodie and Kenneth." I admitted. They were Marmie and Bobba's names. They were my family, and I'd love to give the babies their names.

"I'm sure he'd love them. They're classic." Willa assured me. I nodded my head, picking my book back up. I began to read again when my phone rang. I let Izzy pick it up because it was probably Derek. It was almost like I was on speed-dial. After thirty seconds of bickering she hung up the phone.

"Your boyfriend is going to be here in five minutes with snacks and to study." Izzy sighed, picking her notebook backup.

I ignored her comment and continued reading. I honestly couldn't fathom this man's obsession with a whale. Derek ran down the stairs, his arms filled with snacks for everyone. Liam hopped up to help him distribute the snacks before they both sat down. The twins were craving Doritos, a chocolate milkshake and grapes today. Izzy took over the reading as I ate, because let's be honest, they didn't want to die at 17. Derek sat on the floor, near my head. He seemed off, more off than when we left the house that morning.

"What took so long? Was there a line at the Quick-E Mart?" Liam asked, glancing up at me. He totally knew something. Those two idiots were like peas-in-a-pod. Derek faked a cough, stalling to take a pull from his slushy.

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