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"W-What do you mean..?" Y/N laughed nervously at the news, not taking it so well.

The princess looked at her sadly, although being happy to see another human girl for the first time in years that wasn't Daisy or Rosalina, she hated the idea of Y/N being trapped there with no place to go and not being able to go back home.

She had to fix this.

Seeing Y/N start to panic and tear up she knew she had to speak quick.

"But- no," she reconsiders her answer, " I'm- I'm sure we can find a way to get you back home! We've done it once, we can do it again! All we need is another giant bullet bill to hit the warp pipe.." she whispers the last bit to herself.

s̶h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ b̶a̶c̶k̶.

Y/N kept rapidly repeating this over in her head and panicking over it constantly.

"How could you say that?! I'm sorry, but I'm- I'm stuck in another universe! I'm trapped!" She cried.

"We will find a way. I promise." Peach puts her hands on her shoulder,

After a while, Y/N sucks it up and nods, wiping her stinging eyes. This was all too much to take in all at once. She was tired again and needed to rest.

As if reading her mind Peach knew exactly what to say.

"It's getting late.. I have a spare room if you'd like to stay the night." She offers the girl.

"Thank you so much princess." She bows a little again,

"Please, no need to bow." She smiles welcomingly.

"I swear it was just morning.." Y/N looks out the window to see the darkness outside covering the large town.

"Maybe time works differently here.." Peach rubs her back, she takes her hand "come on."


Leading her to a spare guest room, Peach provides Y/N with a few extra pillows and a toothbrush before leaving her to adjust to her new surroundings, although mentioning she wasn't sure if Y/N felt like going through the trouble of finding a bathroom to brush her teeth right then.

he sat on her bead thinking what felt like twenty minutes, but was actually five.

She picked up a book from the table beside the bed,

The bedroom was a light pink with spots of yellow, blue and white in every little corner. The bed was a double sized, nothing too over the top like the other bedrooms. It had picture frames on the walls of different pink images and some plants scattered around the room, making it almost seem like a rushed decoration.

The book she picked up was about Dresses, it sounded like a book that a princess would have. She put it back down in boredom and continued to stare at the pink carpet.

It was late but she couldn't bring herself to sleep, what was going to happen to her? What was she going to do? So many questions yet so few answers.

It started to rain outside and she decided maybe rain was exactly what she needed right now. She carefully got up from the bed, not wanting to mess up the duvet too much as it could happen very easily.

She moved towards the balcony doors and quietly swung them open.

Walking Forward, Infront of her you could see the whole town down below, it really was an amazing view. She leaned her arms on the rails and watched the rain fall, her hair soaking wet as she did so.

She liked the rain, a lot of people didn't but she did. Snapping her out of her thoughts, she noticed the town was completely empty except for one small figure sat on the path. Too far away to see she leaned over the railings a bit more to get a closer look, even though it wouldn't have much effect it still helped a little.

She could see a bit clearer now. The figure was reasonably tall from what she could gather and was wearing a hat, the darkness filtered out a lot of colour but she could just about see if she squinted her eyes the signature colour the shadow was wearing. It was green, a colour that Y/N was most fond of. Although her favourite colour was F/C, but still had quite a liking for green.

She looked down at the figure who was sat sadly underneath a rather tall umbrella which had been stuck into the ground next to him. He looked like he was huddling under it, trying his best not to get wet.

Poor guy, Y/N thought she should help but she had no idea how to get herself around so she wouldn't have the fuzziest clue how to get to him.

As she was thinking this the man turned around and looked up at her, startled by the sudden contact Y/N jumped a little, Not enough to lift off the ground, and moved back. Smiling awkwardly at the sudden scare and calming herself down, she looked back at the man who was now staring directly at her which kind of gave her the creeps but she was doing it to him so who was she to judge?

Not knowing what to do she just stared back, eventually breaking the eye contact when her stomach grumbled and she decided she wanted to get back into bed. She backed away from the balcony, taking one last look at the strange man and walking back through the heavy doors.


Can't be a coincidence - Luigi x Female reader ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now