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You looked up from your phone to check if anybody is watching you. Going on Discord was one of the riskiest things to ever do when people are around you. Your eyes met Yoriichi's face that was facing down...on his phone too.

You couldn't help but notice how pretty his hands were.

They were so neatly detailed...each bone structure built to near perfection. The way his long fingers hugged his white phone case had you thinking about something else.

Quickly shaking the intrusive thoughts away, you hit yourself mentally for thinking Yoriichi was attractive in even one small way.

Oh wait, it's just a Pinterest recommendation notification. Somehow, the fact of it the notification not being a certain person made your mood down more than it should.

"(Y/n), how's class been lately?" Michikatsu casually leaned on his hands on the table, staring at you, giving you his full attention. "Hmm...I mean, I'm finally passing math with a decent grade."

"Really? How so? You got a tutor?"

"Nahh, I met somebody online and they offered to help me with math. Apparently they are some type of math-olympic-prodigy level or something," You said with a chuckle.

You felt Yoriichi eyeing you for a split second with his maroon eyes before returning to his phone screen.

"Ohh, great for you. I was just about to ask if you need any help with math ahaha..." he scratched his nape nervously before Yoriich spoke up.

"Even if you helped her, she still would fail. Just leave it to her online friend since it actually helps." He did the sarcastic 'quote' sign when saying online friend. His expression....was quite hard to read. He seemed slightly pissed off, and irritated, yet also seemed to be joking.

Michikatsu only raised one eyebrow at him. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden? I'm not sure if you're trynna piss (Y/n) or me off with that," he responded in a joking matter with a small grin. Yoriichi simply forced a grin back before returning to his phone.

He seems more under the weather tonight than usual...

A few of the group members managed to get slightly tipsy after trying some drinks...somehow. A few needed support to be walked back home, which made the walk back quite boring and tiring.

"(Y/n), did you get in a fight with Yoriichi again?" Mitsuri asked you while applying the strawberry spa mask onto you. "Huh? Uh...nope, not today surprisingly. Why do you ask?" You questioned, as Shinobu is finishing up her skincare in the bathroom the three of you were in.

"He seems...more moody than usual, don't you think? The way he kinda snapped at his brother..." she said, frowning. "I was just thinking the same. But no, I didn't fight with him today. Something else must've pissed him off?"

"I think so too. He's on his phone a lot more than usual," Shinobu added before washing up face up with a towel. "Mhmm, I hope he's doing okay.." Mitsuri said, full of concern.

"You guys are concerned for that jerk?" You questioned with confusion and disbelief at how they can show concern to someone like him.

"(Y/n) me, he's not as bad as he seems. It's just that when you first met him he wasn't having his best day, and you guys got used to...being in this 'rival' type of mood. Believe me, he's actually a really sweet person."

"He doesn't seem like the type to be sweet at all. He's the biggest jerk of the whole universe."

They both sighed with a smile.

"Once you get to know him more, he can actually be the sweetest guy you can ever know. He's naturally...kinda always awkward with girls and can be shy I guess," Mitsuri said, rolling her delicate cheeks with those crystal-stone rollers.

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